Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wellness Program

"from now on, when employees call in sick on fridays or mondays we say, 'well, well, well... that's very suspicious!'"

well, well, well… another day comes to a close. i got some piano practice in, some history reading, and went to class. officially decided not to go to houston. :.-( i just feel like i ought to go to the violin recital. and i should probably do a little studying and practice as well… but keith has a movie night planned, so there is a bit of fun in store.

sorry folks, i just have nothing to say the last couple of days. so here’s a big fat word of the day…

say ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s )v. said, (s d) say·ing, says (s z) v. tr.
1. To utter aloud; pronounce: The children said, “Good morning.”
2. To express in words: Say what’s on your mind.
a. To state as one’s opinion or judgment; declare: I say let’s eat out.
b. To state as a determination of fact: It’s hard to say who is right in this matter.
4. To repeat or recite: said grace.
5. To report or maintain; allege.
a. To indicate; show: The clock says half past two.
b. To give nonverbal expression to; signify or embody: It was an act that said “devotion.”
7. To suppose; assume: Let’s say that you’re right.
v. intr.
To make a statement; express oneself: The story must be true because the teacher said so.
1. A turn or chance to speak: Having had my say, I sat down.
2. The right or power to influence or make a decision: Citizens have a say in the councils of government. All I want is some say in the matter.
3. Archaic. Something said; a statement.
1. Approximately: There were, say, 500 people present.
2. For instance: a woodwind, say an oboe.
Used to express surprise or appeal for someone’s attention.
Idioms:I say
1. Used preceding an utterance to call attention to it: I say, do you have the time?
2. Used as an exclamation of surprise, delight, or dismay.
that is to say
In other words.
to say nothing of
And there is no need to mention. Used to allude to things that fill out an idea or argument: The yard is a mess, to say nothing of the house.
you can say that again Slang
Used to express strong agreement with what has just been said.


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