Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Monkey Business

i say you haven't enjoyed aural skills to its fullest until you have done rhythmic reading with clapping and ape like sound effects for rests. the reason i say it that way is because i got the hugest kick out of doing just in class with dr lias. we did "rhythmic duets" and the two sides of the room into which we were divided each clapped out the notes in time. then one half of the room said "OOO!!!" for all their rests, and the other half of the room shrieked "AGHHH!!!" on all of their's. it was quite an exciting ruckus. even dr king came by and stuck his head in to find out about all the fuss. dr lias is officially my auraul skills hero. even if i do still hate macgamut...

i have mega reading to do. oh and dinner to eat. gotta keep my priorities straight here. and going to the library to study with allison. school makes me reeeeeally feel crazy in the head sometimes. that's all. kbye

pablum \PAB-luhm\, noun:Something (as writing or speech) that is trite, insipid, or simplistic.
I imagined his thoughts had been solely of me, that the letter would be filled with love sonnets, that it would gush with the same romantic pablum I devoured from those movie star magazines. --Kate Walbert,
The Gardens of Kyoto


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