Thursday, December 15, 2005

Finals is OVER!

i am officially totally done with my last final. i don't know if i'm insanely relieved, or if i couldn't care less. i kind of feel like sleeping. but since this is cause for celebration, i'll write a little something first.

today is nick's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!!! that's the violist nick, not my former roommate. you're welcome for the clarification.

last night was the dalmas/reychev string party for all the violinists, violists, celloists [sic], etc. there were three main attractions of the evening. 1. food. i think everyone would freely admit that that was of singular importance. it was good. mmmm. dr reychev made a bunch of stuff, including something that i really don't know the name for, but was sort of bready, eggy, quiche-like dish, with lots of olives in it. 2. a giant game of catch phrase. rarely have i played a boring game of catch phrase, and this was no exception. did i say that right? i think so...whatever. it was a blast, we made lots of noise, odd sounds, funny faces, and said stupid things. my first word was "burp" and i didn't even have to say anything to get people to guess... 3. animals. i'm pretty sure there are three cats and two dogs in residence. the walls sport such decorations as, "cats are like potato chips. you can't have just one," etc. one of the cats is huge. and by huge i mean HUGE. megan said it had "lovely lady lumps." i was like, don't even start. we got some treats and waved them in her face to tempt her, and then set them in a line on the floor to "see what it looks like when it moves." she heaved-to and waddled precariously to the snacks, much to everyone's delight. the smallest cat, felix, and the indoor dog, lucy, provided endless entertainment by chasing jessica's laser. we all took turns tying them in knots, making them run in circles, turn their heads back and forth, jump on eachother, jump on other people, and run into furniture.

i also tried some pineapple soda, which i think is a first for me. and tinkered around on the piano. then, after much delay and chatting, and amidst hugging and handshaking and backslapping and stomach punching and howling dogs getting their feet stepped on, we made it out the door. then i did this really intense 5 min study session for theory, checked my email and went to bed.

this morning i actually took the exam, which was even more a piece of cake than i expected. now i have somehow spent another 30 on this computer when I SHOULD BE SLEEPING!!! ahhh, i think i shall take a nap at this time, and see y'all lata. and here's what finals does not do for you...

hale \HAYL\, adjective:Free from disease and weakening conditions; healthy.

Does not everyone, including the hale and hearty, have the right to choose the timing and manner of their own death? --"Let death be my dominion," The Economist, October 14, 1999

um... no


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