Monday, February 28, 2005

hmmm. i've been losing my consistency in blogging everyday. i guess i'll try to briefly sum up the weekend. the sonatina festival went well. did my duty and sat there checking people in and giving them critique sheets. and hunting them down when they didn't come at their playing time. and kicking pesky high-schoolers out of reserved practice rooms. speaking of these high school people (that i think i mentioned on friday), they apparently decided to drive around campus in the wee hours of saturday morning shooting out car windows. about 20 cars were vandalized including michelle's boy friend's car. stiiiiiinkeeeee. all up and down the street are piles of glass on in parking spaces.

got to see the play harvey. i liked it. i've seen a movie of it, and it had all the stuff i remembered from that, so i guess they did a reasonably good job of following the story. unless the movie didn't and they just happened to do the same thing. whatever. the acting was pretty good. not excellent, but good. the biggest applause, cheering, and whistling were reserved for the scene changes. when all the furniture was set up, and the windows and roof and other things were lowered by cable and lit, the crowd just went wild.

yesterday i went home after church and enjoyed an afternoon at home. the dodson's came over and we had a delicious lunch. thanks goodness i got to eat that and not cafeteria food. then we played ping pong for most of the afternoon. at church in the evening, brother dodson preached. he acted like he was pretty sure it was his last sermon. or at least he talked about how old he's getting and said, "if this was the last sermon i ever preached this is what i would want to talk about." whew. kinda made me uncomfortable. not the sermon. i mean, mabye some of was a very good one. he always talks about how old he's getting but he really acted like he thought his time is coming. and i was trying to even imagine him being gone. i hope he sticks around a little longer. :-P

after dinner i did macgamut. then karen and i went over and met kevin (michelle's boy friend [hopefully they don't mind me mentioning them in my blog]) and all four of us played catch phrase for a while. ever didn't make it because he took, like, two hours to do macgamut.

but i'm off for a bite of lunch. i wonder if i've ever written a post at this time of day.

ineluctable \in-i-LUCK-tuh-bul\, adjective:Impossible to avoid or evade; inevitable.


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