Wednesday, March 30, 2005


last night mom took me to lowes and we got some copper pipe for me to make my wind chimes for physics out of. so this evening i got all my pitches cut out. the first three are just right. the last four are going to need to be ground down a little bit because they're too flat. the pitch that is, not the pipe itself. :-P and i sent in my outline for the physics paper. and of course went to class and stuff. did piano and practice. it was a good day.

i've made some new friends that i've added to my aim list. some of them i don't really know very well in person, but it's fun just to chat. i now have 34 names. amazing.

ate chocolate today. that's just one of those things that should be a regular part of life, like getting dressed, breathing, typing, playing ping pong... etc.

talked to ben on the phone today. i think he may have finally caught the paintball bug, cuz he wants to get a gun and start playing. i hope he does! everyone is invited to my parents house for a giant paintball party!!! aren't they mom?!? hopefully this summer there will be plenty of paintball fighting.

best get ready for bed. i think i'm going to set a record for going to bed early tonight.

temporize \TEM-puh-ryz\, intransitive verb:1. To be indecisive or evasive in order to gain time or delay action.2. To comply with the time or occasion; to yield to prevailing opinion or circumstances.3. To engage in discussions or negotiations so as to gain time (usually followed by 'with').4. To come to terms (usually followed by 'with').


Blogger Suzanne said...

I'm glad I'm well out of paintball range.

5:35 PM  

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