Friday, March 04, 2005

Weekend Time

i think one of the hardest parts of each post i publish is coming up with a new title. now why is that so hard? it's so difficult to come up with something that sounds interesting or catchy. hhhhhhuuu....

so i slept late today. played ever in a game of RA2 (red alert II). need i tell you the outcome of our match?? for those of you who know about me and command and conquer style multiplayer strategic computer games, i don't think so.

had a good studio class in which i finally didn't have anything to play for. :-P that makes it sound like i don't like to play for class. but that isn't true. it was just nice to have a day off, and to be able to just listen to some of the wonderful pieces other people have been preparing, instead of missing out on their play-through's because i practiced until my turn to stay warm and then barged in at the last minute to perform.

gave bethany and courtney their piano lessons. what can i say... they're going to walk in their big brother's footsteps. er... something like that. :-P

played tennis for a while. i'm really bad at it. it's kinda fun though, except you have to run a lot more than in table tennis. and it's easier to hurt your wrist. and you can't put as profound a spin on the ball. in other words, table tennis is way better. we were going to play volley ball, since it was such a pleasant day, but the decision was made before i even arrived that that was definitely too hard on the wrists (buncha music people with precious hands) and that the ball was too hard. after tennis we went to east college cafeteria (oooooh, fancy). we usually go there on fridays. then some us (i'm sorry if you don't know who all the "we's" and "us's" are, but it would be to hard and long to explain. just know that there's bunches) went to watch the movie. tonight they were showing national treasure. it was pretty good. i can't really say anything against it, but it wasn't really super. had lots of action. i don't know... once i think about it, the whole thing was pretty stupid, the plot about an invisible map on the back of the declaration of independence, and this huge hidden treasure... just go rent it yourself if your curiosity is peaked. after that we went to andrea's apartment and watched traffic. except we unanimously agreed to skip one part. it was a dvd, so no problem skipping chapters. that movie really confused me. i felt comforted by the fact that david said he was confused too. so we were bewilderment buddies.

tomorrow i hereby dedicate to studying and practicing. and washing laundry. and eating.

Brobdingnagian \brahb-ding-NAG-ee-uhn\, adjective:Colossal; of extraordinary height; gigantic. -- as a noun: a giant. [Often misspelt Brobdignagian.]

i know you could never use that in scrabble, but i couldn't pass it up.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Your beard is coming along nicely.

Would you ask your mom if Karen has mailed the Algebra yet? Thanks.

10:05 AM  

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