Wednesday, March 02, 2005


i'm dreadfully afraid i may be getting sick. right before the concert! i did have a bit of congestion and runny nose before, just like everyone else pretty much. but now my throat is really starting to hurt. or, not bad yet, but it feels like it's about to actually be a soar throat. i hope i don't have a fever in the morning. pray for me please.

had class and practice and all that stuff again. man, i really can't think of anything entertaining about them. only four people came to theory class today. but i think that was because most of them were on tour with the orchestra. today was the last day of their traveling performances. apparently the bus broke down this morning and they were forced to wait for another one to come pick them up. caused them to miss the first performance. 400 unfortunate (or maybe happy, i don't know) students sitting at the auditorium with no performers.

washed some clothes today. actually lots of clothes. it's so wonderful being a male college student and being able to wash everything together. mom doesn't whine about mixing colors and whites (not that my mom would really mind since they're my clothes) and nothing delicate enough to be damaged by blue jeans. makes for fast and efficient laundering.
also washed my watch band. whew, it was stinky.

i thought about doing the "list" that's been going around on a few peoples blogs. if you haven't seen it, check out the blogs i have links to, and you'll probably find a few. i think i'll just rack my brain and come up with my own list or whatever. eventually.

got a new wall paper for my desktop. pretty cool one. it's called celestial melody. it's mainly white with a woman playing a violin. there's an unsettled ocean underneath and it looks like a storm is coming up. little notes are sprinkled around and going up into the air and it's awesomeness.

this dilbert cracked me up. for those of you who haven't read it today...

fiat \FEE-uht; -at; -aht; FY-uht; -at\, noun:1. An arbitrary or authoritative command or order.2. Formal or official authorization or sanction.

YESSSSSS... i'm going to get to bed early!!


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