Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Practice Practice Practice

this morning i was absolutely exhausted. endured theory at 8:00. i say "endured" because the only reason i ever really like that class is because dr goodall is funny. and he wasn't very funny. so it was just boring (he's not an especially talented teacher i don't think). and i was way to beat to write the stuff down that he was saying.

after breafast i went to history, which is a symptom of this terrible disease that i have. for some reason i just can't skip class. i've never intentionally missed a single class other than ones i was told before hand i didn't have to attend, in my entire college carreer. i can only think of three times that i have forgotten or unintentionally missed a class. let's just say five, in case i forgot some. isn't that dreadful? i just feel awful about missing a class (and dread my name being absent on the list) and my conscience smites me. but honestly, it's maddening in classes like aural skills where i could probably just go take the tests and do the homework and never really even need to go to class. though i have benefitted gradually over the whole semester from being in there. but not much. i mean, i've gotten better at stuff, but i don't feel like the class itself really helps that much. anyway i'm just rambling. but that's what blogs are for, right? and if you find it interesting, that's just dandy. and if you don't.... well, that's just too bad; you're not allowed to stop reading!

this is the good part. my vocalist did me the great service of being absent for our rehearsal. i'm being serious here. of course we didn't get any work done, but i really didn't even want to rehearse (he's the main one that should be worried about his preparedness because it's going to be his big day to perform here pretty soon). so i got to take a one hour nap on a cushy recliner in the hall between the practice rooms and the lockers! yesssssssssssssssssss!!! then i ate lunch. which wasn't all that great. it was pasta with white sauce and shrimp in it. mhmm. yeah. you heard right. and no, that does not equal tastey meal. but it was tolerable. am i in a negative mood lately......?

had accompanying class. took another nap. (afterward, not during, like in history. but i did it discretely. it was hard, but i managed, even though i was on the front row. the hair on the right hand side of my head wouldn't fall right, so i had to let the hair on the left side of my head go over my left eye, and lean my fore head on my right hand to shad my other eye, while writing with my left hand to keep up the appearances of studious note taking... and jerking my head occassionally to show i agreed with whatever "hermit the frog" might be saying at that moment). um, where was i? oh yes. so then i took a nap.

went to dinner. i got new music from candace. now this is interesting. no, i'm not talking about the music. but there's this online forum that a lot of universities are using now, called facebook. and of course sfa has it too. so i have a little profile and picture and some of my interests on there. you can put links to the profiles of all your friends on campus on there too. so it's kinda fun to send messages to eachother, and look up people with similar interests to your own. so i think i once clicked on the link formed by the word "bible" in my interests to see what other people had put that down. so candace was one of the people that came up. i thought that was cool and added her SN to my buddy list and said hi. through that meeting, without ever having seen eachother, she decided to ask me to be her accompanist for a song that she's singing in a couple of weeks. and it turns out her boy friend is an old friend of mine. or at least he used to be when we were little. our mom's were good friends. he doesn't remember me any more. :-/ actually all a little strange once i think about it for a minute.

went to a horn concert at about 6, after dinner. michelle and andrea both played, as well as david (on the piano accompanying). and of course our very own dear dr's petti and pitts. they all played rather well. after that i started practicing and didn't stop till about 11:30. then i went and got a midnight burger from the union station. and now i've spent the last 20 minutes writing this post. tha's all fo'ks.

gelid \JEL-id\, adjective:Extremely cold; icy. (my room)


Blogger Feanor said...

Sounds happy. Keep up the good work. I wish a could take as many naps as you :)

10:28 AM  
Blogger C. Bright said...

::sigh:: Good ol' SFA. I remember seeing many a student napping on the same "cushy recliner" which you descibed.

Yeah, I also go to every single class. And maybe I'll even do it next smester too. Dorky me.

4:22 PM  

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