Tuesday, December 27, 2005


jack's coffee tastes better when drunk with friends. and that statement could definitely be missinterpreted. anyway, i'm desperately hoping to go and hang out with the gang from the mission tomorrow night. here's hopin'!

oh, here's a really sad story. i kicked the tar out of my shin on the trailer hitch today. the end.

unfortuneately, i think my break is sort of coming to an end already. called ballqube today and talked to his royal bossness and worked out a deal to make some more baseball cap holders, and hopefully a load of dough. then, once that's finished i'll head back to allied signs for a couple of weeks before school starts back. speaking of ending the break, i should really get going on the whole piano practicing thing.

horror of horrors, i have lost my wallet. that was actually an occurrence of last week. i got my debit card cancelled, and a new one on the way. just ordered a new license today. at the time i was foolishly carting my social security card with me, so that's the only thing i'm really concerned about. but it sure is a hastle starting over with all that stuff - license, debit/hastings/blockbuster/library/school id/etc. cards. and man, that was a nice wallet... hahaha

i can't believe i'm going to have to get up like a normal working person again in the morning. gah. got 11 hours last night. it was glorious. when was the last time i got to sleep at 10:30? course, when was the last time i stayed up till 6? thankfully the last time i remember was installing a bathroom in a church the sat night before they had their first service. i'll try not to think about that. oh yeah, and the racetrack bathroom. but that was two or three years ago. okay, that topic is officially through.

apposite \AP-uh-zit\, adjective:Being of striking appropriateness and relevance; very applicable; apt.


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