Monday, February 06, 2006

so valentine's is approaching again (as it seems to do every year about this time). it comes bringing with it various reactions and sentiments, ranging from disinterest or despair, anxiety, or eager anticipation. personally, i fit quite comfortably in the category of disinterested, at least until last year. then i almost got hooked up to "attend" a double date with some people who perhaps fit in with the anxious group. once again in the bachelor household of ever and jordan, discussions of dates and double dates, dinners and movies, flowers and poetry... errr, maybe not that last... have been floating around. i have to admit i look at it considerably different(ly?) now than i did last year. for one thing, i have now been in a relationship which was quite wonderful. i also am not feeling ready to start a new one. however, because of my "experience" (haha) a double date with ever and one of his friends wouldn't be nearly such an uncomfortable or embarrassing experience as it might have been last year, and might actually be fun (especially since i'm rooting for ever and a certain special someone he has in mind, which probably puts him in the combo section of anxious anticipator). so i guess the last question is, where do i now rank? i have a feeling i still hang closer to the disinterested crowd... or do i??? anybody want to go jogging valentine's evening...?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, going jogging with your dates definitely weeds candidates out in a hurry. Especially the midnight runs.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Amy Thorne said...

HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I wasn't laughing at you, per se, I was just ... laughing ... at your blog. :D

2:00 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

but midnight runs are so romantic...

4:51 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

i'll go jogging! i love midnight jogging... or wait, do i? i like midnight wandering, so perhaps i like midnight jogging. eh... it's worth a try.

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh yeah. midnight runs are definitely romantic. that is what your mom and i did for dates when we first met - and look what happened!

1:49 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

ahaa! i knew it!

8:49 AM  

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