Thursday, January 19, 2006

Woes of Technology

i'm experiencing the worst computer difficulties i've had in a long time. this post is coming from ever's computer. my machine is currently acting up in the most inappropriate manner, refusing to open windows and in the process of trying to do so repeatedly restarting itself. right now it is... about half-way through saving my documents onto a backup disk. one of these days that disk will have all the bare necessities saved and i will totally erase my harddrive and reformat the thing. blah.

anyway... what's going on? yesterday was my one year blogging anniversary. i checked my backed up word document and there's almost 70,000 words. not bad for a years worth of work. looking back at some of my first posts makes me chuckle. some seem kind of ridiculous. some of my current posts are probably ridiculous as well.

first week of classes is going well, still. i'm sick, but not too bad. guess what! i've been practicing the saw today! yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, i got out my saw and turns out it has a beautiful tone when combined with my violin bow. i've been playing some christmas music, and anything i can think of that isn't too fast. one needs nice smooth flowing tunes for this "instrument." amazingly enough i've actually been studying and not wasting time on the computer (even when it was working properly. actually i've probably been spending more time on it now that it isn't working...). also been reading james herriot, all things bright and beautiful. wonderful book. to anyone who loves reading and isn't aquainted with herriot, i strongly recommend any and all of his veterinary biographies (those are the ones i've read). enjoyable and humorous, with lots of fifty dollar words. and of course (now for something completely different) there's the guitar thing i have going. i've almost got all of my classes and schedules set in stone for the semester, and the last ones will be determined tomorrow. once those are finalized i can hopefully fit in some time to build my instrument! now that you've had your boring random conglomerate paragraph, i'm off to check on my computer.


Blogger Abigail... said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! Oh, I am so proud *sniff*sniff*

8:13 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

i want to hear you play the saw sometime. i've never known a saw player. way to be unique.

9:25 PM  

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