Friday, January 06, 2006

Silence is Golden

sometimes i wonder what the best thing to do with hours of monotony is. now i don't mean lazily doing nothing, but doing boring tasks. and i'm talking about being by yourself too. how do you employ your mind while doing numbing work? my typical solution is listening to music. however, when mitering moulding wearing full sized headphones with the volume pumped up to 25 decibels and a hat pulled down over them to shield the outside noise, the eardrums take quite a pounding. something i've noticed though, is that i need more music. not only am i getting tired of listening to all the things i have, it's just as mind-numbing as thinking about nothing while staring at my hands doing their work. so i try to think about various things that might be useful. the last few days i've "written" some letters. i thought of all kinds of things i want to say to people, did a bunch of cutting and pasting, but haven't actually typed or penned any of it. i plan to actually do some of that tomorrow. i've also noticed i can have some real mood swings as i sit out there "thinking." not that anyone would really notice since i'm not talking to anyone or expressing any emotions. but i've got to be careful what i think about. sometimes i can think about really depressing stuff, and start feeling really bummed before i even realize what i'm doing. i also recommend singing. really loud. afterall, what's the harm when there's nobody to cringe? i also thought about guitars today. hahahha. and i also suddenly thought of a question for steve about something i read in matthew, which suddenly occurred to me. i've noticed i get in the habit of reading things and when i don't understand something, i occassionally skip over it and don't notice what i'm missing. as i was randomly "thinking" about this passage i was like, "wow, i wonder what that really means!" so look out steve! unless i figure it out before i see you again. :-P

i had a rather productive day today, and hopefully i can finish this job by tomorrow afternoon, and ship it monday. then i'll either get them to make one last order, work a week for dale (if he's got anything), or maybe do some intense reading and practicing before school starts up. i feel horrible about how little i've practiced over break. alrighty, i've got dinner to eat, books to read, and movies to watch, so i'm off!

recondite \REK-uhn-dyt\, adjective:1. Difficult to understand; abstruse.2. Concerned with obscure subject matter.

And his fondness for stopping his readers short in their tracks with evidence of his recondite vocabulary is wonderfully irritating. --"Books of the Times," New York Times, February 23, 1951


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally Off Topic:

I'll have to double check this, but I -SHOULD- have Monday afternoon (9th) off after about 3:30/4:00ish. Would that be an acceptable time to engage in the gut clenching battle that is chess?

(I've even located my lucky chess set...Not that I think it'll help against you. You, Chessmonger.-G-)


6:38 AM  

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