Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another Day, Another Dollar

today was quite an adventure. an unadventurous adventure. or maybe i should say a boring... no, scratch that... okay, definitely a frustrating and slow moving day. and now that your day has officially become confused, allow me elaborate. i awoke at the light of dawn to my beeping phone telling it was time to get up. next i awoke again to my beeping phone, about 5 minutes later. repeat. once i heaved to and dragged myself off the couch i... isn't it awful putting contacts on bleary, sleep deprived eyes, when you'd really prefer to have about 3 more hours? soooo, i drove to laneville and filled the entire van to the brim with 432 baseball cap holders. here's where the trouble starts. when i called the matt board supplier (if you're genuinely curious about what some of this stuff is or means i'll be glad to answer emails, otherwise it will remain a mystery) they said they were entirely out of what i needed, wouldn't be able to order more till after the first of the year, and then would have a minimum of two weeks before they received a shipment, afterwhich i would have to wait another 3 days for delivery. i'm like, you've got to be kidding me. then i spent the next several hours calling crecent board distributers around the country looking for materials in my price range, for which i wouldn't be required to wait an inordinate amount of time. suffice it to say that i finally found what i needed, after leaving numerous messages, setting up business accounts with other companies, cancelling half finished orders, and almost smashing the computer with a baseball bat. is this the life of a businessman? no, i'm sure this is the easy stuff. also i got several steps of the manufacturing process set up out in the shop, counted materials and did my high tech calculations with a thick black marker on cardboard. now once i get a form in the mail from MCI and fill it out and sign it and mail it back i should be able to buy the last of my materials from them and i'll be good to go. good grief. i hopfully tomorrow will be all i'm dreaming it will be.

at the beginning of the year i have decided to do an overview of 2005. i will probably divide it up into a few topic posts. hmmm, we shall see. stay tuned.

oh! i did get to go to church this evening, and then to java jacks. it was grand. i'm way tired. goodnight.

cynosure \SY-nuh-shoor; SIN-uh-shoor\, noun:1. Anything to which attention is strongly turned; a center of attraction.2. That which serves to guide or direct.3. [Capitalized]. The northern constellation Ursa Minor, which contains the North Star; also, the North Star itself.


Blogger Suzanne said...

It sure was good to see all you little peeps last week in Alto.

Happy New Year!

7:14 PM  

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