Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005: Part the First

since i've been talking about work recently, maybe i should mention that first. this series will not necessarily be chronological. maybe topical.

now, those of you who are regular readers already know this, but i branched out slightly in the job department this summer. instead of mowing yards, or my typical work at jebco, i went to allied sign builders. i learned one new skill in particular: welding, combined with the art of setting oneself on fire. i made a new friend in my coworker/teacher john, and together we made the greatest scrapmetal anchor any sailor has had the pleasure of laying eyes on, not to mention the carmike cinema sign. i dare say a great many sailors, as well as other types of people have laid eyes on that and every last one of them probably wondered why it wasn't lit. that remains a mystery. i also had the immense pleasure of learning to make aluminum letters. a heck of a lot of work to make, but the fine letters you come out with make it all worth it. not to mention overtime... also, waaaaay back when it seems like i remember cleaning and painting a house. sam and seth were helping us. what fun times we had. come to think of it, i actually don't remember that at all. never happened.

i suppose i might mention a small financial difficulty, brought on by myself (no donations please, it isn't a worthy cause). previously i only put my account in the red one time in its history, and that was by 35 cents. i immediately made a deposit (i knew i was about to run out) and the bank waived the charge, much to my relief. however, this summer i managed to go under without realizing it by doing a phenomenal job of not keeping my account on my computer balanced. much to my chagrine i became aware that i had made several small charges after passing the $0 mark, and incurred some tremendous fines. how dreadful was the aftertaste of that $33 cup of mocha... but never fear, by the sweat of my brow and the tears of my regret i paid it all, and piano and violin lessons, and gas (my heart goes out to all you car owners :-P). i hope i can leave well enough alone, since i've charted that territory. you should see me punching in all my receipts now.

that, my friends, is my job and money in a nutshell. wow, reading that last sentence made me wonder if i should even have written any of that. ah, whatever. i have and will write more personal stuff than that. rawr! good night munchkins.


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