Friday, December 30, 2005

2005: Part the Second

since school was surely a huge part of the past year of my life, i think i should elaborate a bit on that subject. this spring i completed my freshman year of college. i had the privilege of taking a couple more hours than my first semester, and taking more than one non-blow-off course. you might could say i learned a thing or two. but apparently not well enough... so i took off from school during the summer, which i devoted to working and practicing. then in the fall i started my sophomore year. i took on more hours, a third semester of violin, and dr mann. now comes that sad part of this tale. i failed a class for the first time. *sigh* no one can believe it when they hear that the class was music lit (except for people who know about the infamous dr mann). but to tell you the truth, it's really hard for me, mainly because it involves so much history, which is the most difficult subject for me. but anyway, what's done is done. i found out bunches about what it means to study, and am more capable of adequate preparation for a difficult class than i was before. i improved my regular history grade over last semester. i memorized 30 pages of music for my jury.

i'm looking forward to next semester. as always, i have new year/new semester resolutions, and bright hope for improvment in the future. and hey, i know one thing i should definitely be happy about... so far i'm completely caught up on school payments. no loans or anything so far.

as far as my outlook on school and carreer is developing, i may be slightly shifting my goals. i started out as a piano performance major, with intentions of getting a graduate level degree in the same thing, at a different university, and likely going on to get a phd. my dream was to become a concert pianist and perhaps play in prestigous competitions, give solo performances, travel with an orchestra, etc. while i knew these were lofty goals, i decided i might as well leave my sights high and see where i got. right now i am still a performance major. however, i'm not so sure about the persuit of the concert pianist carreer. i've always been interested in woodworking and making things with my hands. the marvelous vein i'm considering channeling various interests in, is instrument making. even though the only tangible evidence of my endeavors is a set of wind-chimes, a pvc flute, and a handmade bridge on my violin, i'm very excited about the possibility. my chief interest is making violins, and possibly pianos. maybe doing some piano tuning/technician work. okie doke. there's a glimpse of my aspirations such as they are today. now i'm afraid i'm heading back to work for a couple of hours.

perquisite \PUR-kwuh-zit\, noun:1. A profit or benefit in addition to a salary or wages.2. Broadly: The benefits of a position or office.3. A gratuity or tip for services performed.4. Anything to which someone has or claims the sole right.

In a tight market for skilled labor . . . corporations are increasingly buying homes for hot new hires -- a perquisite once reserved for top executives. --Jennie James, "For Many Europeans, There's No Place Like Home," Time, May 8, 2000


Blogger quirky said...

"i don't think that word means what you think it means..." hehehe

3:45 PM  

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