Monday, January 02, 2006

since i should be in bed, i decided to blog instead. today i slept in, and made up for staying up late on the eve of '06. then i went to work and there blissfully spent the rest of the afternoon. and evening.

so, my goals for the new year. i want to build a guitar. yes, that is officially a goal. steve has most graciously agreed to facilitate that by teaching me and helping me get the materials. i can hardly wait! also i have decided to get a 4.0 this semester. woohoo... i can hardly wait. haha! no seriously. another goal is making it through the summer with long hair. that won't exactly be a difficult task, but the chop date and shipment to locks of love is definitely going to be right before the summer of '07, after the spring semester. that will give it a full two years of growth. i also wish to purchase a car this year. let's see... yes, at the end of the summer it's going to happen. hmmm, what else. that's a good enough list of things i think i can actually accomplish. some will be harder than others. of course there are additional goals for the year, but i'll keep them to myself. :-D toodles.

plenary \PLEE-nuh-ree; PLEN-uh-ree\, adjective:1. Full in all respects; complete; absolute; as, plenary authority.2. Fully attended by all qualified members.


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