Thursday, January 05, 2006

cram packed to the rim. and not just with rice and tortillas, though that is also true. so i started out this morning by getting home from work in the wee hours, and getting less than 5 hours of sleep. since i'm pretty much an 8 hours in the bed kind of a guy, i wasn't a happy camper at workin' time. or at least not a fully functional camper. but by the time i got on the road, the heater warmed up, and i was chug... i mean sipping a nice tall glass of chocolate milk, i was doing ok. i took out all but one bench seat, and filled the van to the brim with my precious cargo and carted it off to laneville.

i tell you what, there was nothing fun happening there, so i raced back as fast as i could. when i got home i packed up my paintball gear and headed over to swift-and-silent. ended up getting there about 25 min late, but the guys were waiting on me. then a horrible thing happened. when i unpacked my gun and started assembling it, i realized i had somehow left out my hopper adapter. we searched high and low, but nothing. it was a weird shape and they had none to fit it. we couldn't even find a tarnal allen wrench to fit it. after a bit of weeping and gnashing of teeth, i finally made the strenuous 2 mile trek by van back to my house, picked up evan's gun (which he graciously allowed me to use, even though it's brand new) and we got to play. we quickly made a brother-like spectacle as we were shipped off to the course in a mini-van. there wasn't quite enough room for an extra bottom in the open hatch-back, so i jumped on and laid sideways accross everyone's lap. then we were off, with boots bouncing in the dust, guns bristling, and a free flow of male humor coming from our current position and a previous conversation about socks and barrel plugs... then we shot eachother up.

with the stench of battle still in my nose, i scrambled back to the house. departed again with several other people in tow, and i was dropped off at steve's house. we had a great time working on and talking about guitars. at least, i know i did. he showed me how he makes the necks, and did a little work on one peg board. we looked at different kinds of guitars and their unique peg board designs and trademark shapes. i saw lots of different kinds of wood (there's going to be a lot of those to learn) both in raw form and in instruments at various stages of completion. steve also showed me how he braces the inside of the instrument, and tons of other stuff related and not related to that. when i left i took two books to read up on, which will hopefully spark some additional curiosity and questions, and perhaps answer a few as well. anyway, i'm really excited about all this, and i can hardly wait to get started on one myself. better get going on that reading.

tomorrow looks like work... right now looks like... dessert and sleep.

exegete \EK-suh-jeet\, noun:A person who explains or interprets difficult parts of written works.


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