Wednesday, March 16, 2005


i realized too late that i didn't bring my camera with me this morning. as i was laying on the "operating chair," squinting in the blinding little light, i thought, "a photo of this would be a perfect way to commemorate this day." so just imagine my gaping face with rubber wedges to keep my mouth open, little spacers holding my lips away from my teeth, a very unusual metal tool attached to the side of my mouth that hooked around my tongue to keep it out of the way, a suction vacuum hanging on, as well as long drills and mirrors going down my throat, not to mention two pairs of hands crammed between my jaws. i hope my visual doesn't just disgust you. though a photo might have. i don't know. it would have been neat i think. does anyone else close their eyes while having their teeth worked on? it probably has something to do with that bright light equipped with mirrors for illuminating the dentist's work. but i also don't really like it when i open them and see drills and other construction (or destruction) tools going in. or the little puffs of "saw dust" floating up. so i was content to close my eyes and remain half-conscious, and just listened to the quiet mumblings of dr gandy and his assistant, "*mutter mutter mumble mumble, hmmmm, mumble grumble,* decay more extensive than i thought... *mrrr, schmumble grumble....*" turns out what he originally thought was a tiny one face cavity was a huge one. he had to get very close to the nerve and warned of crowns ($$) and root canals (pain + $$$$) possible in a few years. *sigh.* i paid my bill and departed thinking of other ways i could have spent that money (just what i spent today, not what i might possibly have to spend later). and of course, the last sloooooowly fading reminder of my visit was the numb left side of my face, as well as my chin and tongue. i couldn't even eat anything till 2:30! :-P reckon that's enough about the dentist for one day??

practiced the piano.

went to work this afternoon.

nothing else of particular interest, except that there are cookies on the counter now, which i'm about to go devour!

fugacious \fyoo-GAY-shuhs\, adjective:
Lasting but a short time; fleeting.


Blogger Abigail... said...

ooo...major BOO for THAT! :-( thats no way to spend a SB....

PS. I took that test and I am only "mostly" logical-so I am pretty sure its not reliable ;-)

10:04 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

HAH! i'm sure you're right. there's all kinds ridiculous tests on there. apparently my brain is 80% female! lol

8:16 AM  

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