Friday, March 11, 2005

Exceeding Lateness

wow, this is like, super late. even for me. quite frankly, since i haven't been wearing my watch all evening, i had no idea what time it was until just now. soooooo, my day.... (pardon me if i'm brief)

had theory this morning. good. breakfast definitely good. history. naaah.

lunch. absolutely nah. i enjoyed accompanying class as usual. i finally got some new music for it. two violin pieces. one for kellly, and one for someone named erin, who i don't know. fun stuff.

this late afternoon and evening i went to the shop and helped make some oak baseball bat endcaps. if you want to know more about those just ask and i'll elaborate some other time.

went to christine's this evening. i actually had a really, really good time. we ate pizza and cookies and rice crispy treats. actually i didn't eat any pizza because i had already eaten some before i came. we watched napolean dynomite. and it was just as good, if not better than always. then we just talked, all us piano majors, for a long time. did i even say anything about this party before? it just occurred to me that this might be the first time i even mentioned it. so christine had invited all the piano majors to come to her house for a party before spring break started. so yeah. after the movie we just talked for a long time. told tons of jokes and stories about ourselves. i really got to know everyone a lot better. i feel like we had a super bonding time and we're all better friends now. :-P then when we finally left, david was like, "soooooooo, what are y'all doing tonight?" even though techniquely it's not "tonight," but, "this morning." and i was like, "uuuuuuuuh, i don't know. did you have something in mind?" so, since he had a good night (as in, lot's of tips) he decided to treat me and india to milk shakes. and then, since he didn't want to dump us at our respective dorms and just say, "enjoy your milk shake all by yourself," we went over to his house. we sat around drinking our shakes and telling more stories. i found out that dave is totally crazy. he has all these stories about jumping off of 60ft water falls, riding a skate board behind a truck at 30 mph, getting hit by a moving truck and rolling all the way over the top off the camper and back on his feet in the same spot, getting blown out of pickup truck while sitting in the back holding onto a hang glider and soaring away off the side of the mountain without any of his straps tied on yet, being a stunt man for a movie and jumping off a cliff and catching himself by grabbing a rope with a hook attached to his arm, leaping off the hand rail of a porch which had a drop off on the other side and grabbing the top of a tree down below and swinging down to the ground, jumping off the sixth floor of a hotel into the swimming pool, etc. etc. etc. (lot's of jumping, don't you think??) so here i am at this insane hour. but it ws very intertaining. best hit the sack.

exiguous \ig-ZIG-yoo-us\, adjective:Extremely scanty; meager.


Blogger quirky said...

sorry about *intertaining.* i know it's entertaining. maybe i was about to say interesting or something.

2:29 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

duuuuuude, I woke up, like an hour and a half after you wrote this blog....we should both be proud....for different reasons ;-)

enjoy your SB

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Testing, testing 1, 2, 3....


8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Second attempt.
Just experimenting...

8:23 PM  

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