Sunday, March 06, 2005

Another Concert Night

had a pretty typical sunday today. went to church this morning. unlike last week, i did get up and get down to the lobby at the time that micah was supposed to pick me up. but this time, he forgot me. :-( so he suddenly remembered while he was singing at church, and he came tearing back over hear to get me. it's all good.

after lunch i practiced piano. good ol' bach.

did physics. hhhhh. what can i say about it?? i just did it!

went to church this evening.

after the service i went to a piano quartet concert. it had mrs parr, dr dalmus, dr saslov, and dr rychev. it was brilliant, of course. they played a mozart quartet in g minor, and a divorak quartet in e-flat. dr saslov came out at the beginning and gave an incredibly long introduction. i swear he talked for a full 20 minutes. he was supposed to give a brief history and background of the pieces. he did do that, but he went on to expound his extensive knowledge of every bubbling stream and chirping bird that ever inspired a note of divorak's music. but of course i hold no ill will against him for it. he was just barking on painfully obviously long after they were supposed to have begun. by the middle/end of his oration i could hear hi-heels start tapping around back-stage and the side panel kept opening a crack as if a stage hand (or dr dalmus) was giving him an evil eye and telling him to get on with the show. but he seemed to be having such a good time telling us stories about all the things he knew, the places he'd been, and how he was spiritually enriched by playing on the organ the divorak used, and how he (dr saslov) felt that he embodied the spirit of mozarts music as he played the viola in this quartet... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera... it's all good. "we love you dr saslov!" :-P

then went to chilis this evening for dinner. karen had a gift certificate, but she didn't want to go by herself, so she invited ever and i to go with her. which of course we were only to glad to do. ahh, real food. nice, since i stayed here to study and practice instead of getting mama made lunch.

asperity \as-PAIR-uh-tee\, noun:1. Roughness of surface; unevenness.2. Roughness or harshness of sound; that quality which grates upon the ear.3. Roughness of manner; severity; crabbedness; harshness; -- opposed to mildness. "Asperity of character." --Landor.

this of course is not related to the quality of the concert. it's just a good word.


Blogger quirky said...

karen, after closely observing certain clues at the concert, and listening back-stage, has given me a mild correction about dr saslov's long monologue. it turns out he was actually stalling for time. dr rychev apparently forgot his music or something, and saslov was just speaking to keep us occupied while during the retrieval of the cello part. so the loquacious sentimentality of an old man was actually purposeful utilization of his talent and knowledge for our pre-concert entertainment, pending the appearance of an essential portion of the score.

10:25 PM  
Blogger Suzanne said...

Ha !!! Hilarious !! That story sounds SOOO much like Saslav, Rychev, and Dalmus. Saslav DOES like to talk in front of an audience, I'm sure he was all too happy to oblige. And Dr. Dalmus was probably uncontrolably tapping her spike while thinking about her adorable yet forgetful husband! Oh I miss 'em all!

5:47 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

hahah...thats was such a fun story, and the added comment just made it better :-)

7:28 AM  

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