Sunday, May 29, 2005

Good Day

this was a very nice relaxing day. went to church this morning. my stomach made the most incredible disturbances all through both hours of jeff and steve's messages. i was highly embarrassed on multiple occassions, and papa and i almost busted out laughing once. could you hear steve?? soooo, we went home and ate lunch, much to my delight. one biscuit for breakfast apparently doesn't do the trick. hmmph, i say that as if i just found out...

after lunch i scanned some of my drawings onto my computer, for no particular reason i guess. nice to have them safely on there where they won't be lost even if i can't find my folder. unless of course my harddrive got erased or something. but then i would just have to assume it was providential and move on with my life. ha! :-D

then i spent a bunch of time working on something. yeah that's right...something. but it's a secret. you may never know! isn't that exciting?!?

so far, i'm aim free since fri night. withdrawls actually aren't too bad. well, hmmmm. maybe they are. it's not teeeeerible. i'm surviving. i'm discovering it can be done. emailing has been enacted to a greater extent, but it hasn't taken nearly as much of my time, and has not made me stay up late. so hoozah for me, and those i keep up late by doing it (aim).

didn't go to church this evening. i know i would have hated to fill up the car with gas. oh wait... i may have to anyway tomorrow. oh well. we listened to a tape of jeff instead. which reminds me - i am compiling my own list of "recently overheards" as i mentioned before that i would do when i showed you the one from wilson. so be forewarned! jeff, i do have one from you! mwahahaha! you gave me another opportunity at a quotable from that tape, but i won't use it. but i have another one. but i will be listening to you people, just waiting for an opportunity to take something you say out of context and let everyone laugh their heads off about it.... no pressure.

we're going to try and have a paintball fight over here tomorrow. ahhh wonderful. i can hardly wait. nothing like the smell of blood and sweat and stench of battle out in the humid texas heat. never give up, never surrender!

i really like the sound of this word:

gloaming \GLOH-ming\, noun:
Twilight; dusk; the fall of the evening.


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