Thursday, May 26, 2005


i was just thinking today how peculiar it is sometimes to listen to little children babbling away nonsensically. like, they will talk on and on and you don't realize that they're actually saying anything. because they tend to mumble and squeal to themselves so much, it's easy to zone out and not pay attention to them (or should i say, it's something you have to train yourself to do). but they're amazingly persistent! and when they come up with something important they will reiterate their statement or request times infiniti until you respond. the reason i comment on this is because i just experienced it today. i was checking my email or something on the internet, and stephen came up next to me and started saying something. but since i was busy i didn't really notice. but then something started nudging into my mind. like chinese torture with a tiny dripping of water. "ahhhuh wa moogie...ahhhuh wa moogie...ahhhuh wa moogie..." eh?? what's that you say little chap? "ahhhuh wa moogie!" oooooooh. i see. so apparently he was ready to watch a movie. but while i was sitting there looking at the computer he was going to say that over and over till the cows came in or i responded. at least he's got a tenacious drive to get what he wants, and patience too (or does his repeating mean he wasn't being patient?). you will go far young man, you will go far...

"He who restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding. Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is counted prudent." Prov. 17:27,28

equanimity \ee-kwuh-NIM-uh-tee; ek-wuh-\, noun:
Evenness of mind; calmness; composure; as, "to bear misfortunes with equanimity."


Blogger C. Bright said...

lol on stephen. Hopefully I can see him in a week. So he talks now eh?

6:21 PM  

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