Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hum Dee Dum...

i did, in fact, resolve the unfortunate situation regarding my variable credits course. just as i was hoping i changed the credit over to a one hour violin lesson. i will have to pay a little extra, simply because it's a private instruction course, but it won't be nearly as much as adding a whole nuther course.

today i was wondering what would happen to a person if they actually existed on cafeteria food for too long. the body might shrivel up and die just because there's nothing good in the food. might as well be eating paper or something, for all the nutritional value it possess. but at least while eating i try to find as much entertainment as possible. most recently it came from one of the friendly janitor people dutifully mopping the floor. yep, you know where this one's going. at the time it was about 5:00 in the evening, and the place was packed. there were lines streaming around the whole place. there was one very shiny slick section of floor open between one of the lines and my table... while a few other people and myself were sitting there a girl came around the corner, completely oblivious to the terrain. let me tell you, she wiped out good. both feet just flew out from under her and she landed on her back with her purse underneath. she must have been in a bit of shock, because she laid there for a long time. then she sloooowly got up. then ran to one of her friends and burried her head in her shoulder. a part of me felt bad for her... but hey, gotta have something to laugh about, right?

which reminds me... did i ever mention slipping on the banana? i know it sounds like something from a really lame comedy show or something, but i actually slipped on a piece of banana. this was last semester i think, or maybe last fall, i can't remember. did i already write about it? anyway, i was just cruisin' toward the laundry room to get my clean clothes, being all cool and everything. just as i was about to open the door, my right heel encountered something... actually what felt like nothing, and decided to go vertical. my right foot, still having plenty of grip, didn't quite take to such notions of flight. and great was my fall. twisted my left ankle, and bent the big nail back till it bled, stretched my groin way too much, aaaaaaaand caught myself on my left hand and broke my watch band. not to mention the fact that there was a guy walking along behind me. "you ok dude?" "*gasp* no, my pride's going to be in the ER for this."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that you SHAMELESSLY laugh about an innocent girl falling victim of a clean floor.

1:23 PM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

*shakes head* I agree with seem to revale in your own hard heart ;-)

Is it sad that I actually DO remember your writing about slipping on the banana?

1:26 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

awwwww, i really did feel sorry for her. i didn't laugh in her face or anything, i just thought it was funny! for crying out loud, i laughed at myself, and i got hurt a lot worse than she did!

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!! Okay, I'll laugh at both if that helps. ( ^_- )

Well, did anyone---the friend with the welcoming shoulder, for instance---offer to help her up, or did the entire crowd just stand and stare in acute shock?

Anyway, I definitely laughed out loud at the banana peel story. Does that make me a bad person? Do I care? It WAS funny, after all!

Actually, I think the best part was your comeback about your pride being in the ER! LOL!! Good one!

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I have to also say that I think the mopper was there solely for the entertainment.

I mean, really: why else would anyone BOTHER to mop a crowded campus center in the middle of (what sounds like) registration?? Do they really expect that floor to stay clean...or that nothing resembling a Three Stooges act is bound to happen?? LOL!

4:20 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

i think you're right. the mopper had evil intentions, and was secretly stationed nearby to witness the excitment. everyone pretty much just stood there. but she laid there for a long time. it occurred to me to go and help her up, but i was afraid that would make her more embarrassed. i mean, i had no idea who she was. should i have given her a hug and brought her over to my table and let her cry on my shoulder or something? lol

6:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! No, no. I'm sure she had a good enough cry on her friend's shoulder. Would have been mortifying to get all snotty on a stranger's shoulder! LOL!

1:11 PM  

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