Monday, August 29, 2005

People vs Animals?

this does just top all. when did people become as low, or lower than animals? how did the lines between a human with spirit, intelligence, and emotion and a beast become blurred? when i read this story i don't know whether to laugh or scream. the link will take you to fox news' "out there" story of the day. here're some quotes from the article:

"Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate," she told the Associated Press.

Or, as the zoo's Web site put it, "the humans will become an important feature of zoo life as they are cared for by our experienced keepers and kept entertained through various forms of enrichment."

"A lot of people think humans are above other animals," said Tom Mahoney, 26. "When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds us that we're not that special."

that makes me squirm. are you writhing now? cuz i'm writhing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I took an ethics class last fall, and it was great...except when we debated animal rights. The PRO side was kinda like this...saying that we needed to treat the animals like people and not like things that we own and control (which they are) and can use for our own satisfaction.

I do believe in being a good steward of your at least caring for the animals in our charge (until we eat them, of course) but humans are ALWAYS of more importance than animals.

What makes me sick is that the law will allow a living, breathing woman to be starved and dehydrated for weeks until she is dead without any intervention but if you were to do that (or even less) to an animal you would be put in jail and fined.

Maybe the ones that want to be in a zoo can be...then at least we'll live in a society that values human life more than just an animal.

To refer to the Bible...are we not worth more than a sparrow? Why yes, yes we are.

9:36 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

yes we most certainly are. and one thin i find quite interesting, is the way the bible never even considers the possibility that animals might be anywhere near our value. god does care for the animals (he knows when any one of those sparrows falls to the ground), but he says, "are you not of more value than they?" when i read that, i get the impression that it's just a reminder of how important we are. that it's so obvious we're way above and beyond the sparrows (and any other animal) that we should be comforted to know how much he cares for them, simply because we know he must care for us that much more.

6:23 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

wow, hello!!! you are totally posting at the exact same moment as me! hahahaha

6:24 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

OK, so something is wrong with my blog alert system....I just got notified that you had blogged 7 times...after I hadnt gotten an update in, like, weeks....meeeeeh!

I am so behind! :-(

The pics are funny...and the one of the "big kids" was totally cute!

7:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said: "we should be comforted to know how much he cares for them, simply because we know he must care for us that much more."

Wow. That's a very powerful statement, quirky. Strange how "comforted" I actually felt just in reading it. Thanks.

Unfortunately, I have to wait until after work to read the whole article. Must dash! ...

9:31 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

heh, your welcome. glad you were comforted.

11:53 AM  

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