The Glorious Egg Head Adventure
this tasty morsel is a photo essay of the frolicksome life of marvin-the-eggplant. his life began one warm summer afternoon. it all started in the little square art room. two people had entirely too much time on their hands and one vulnerable vegetable. summoning a smidgen of creative energy sufficient to draw on productive talents ranging from connect-the-dot computer programs, to skillful crayola masterpieces, we created - marvin. please meet him. he's pretty good-natured, in spite of his occassionally unpleasant expressions. it's really all a bluff - he's quite soft around the edges. ladies and gentlemen... please welcome...! MAAAARVIN the EGG PLANT!!!! *and the crowd goes wild*

marvin is way cool! made me grin. nice work!
why thank you! it definitely didn't post in the proper format. i shall have to change that. keep grinnin'!
if i like free food... ha!! alright, better let you go. your phone is ringing. ;)
Ha! Someone was having fun! :)
The last one has the kindest countenance. :)
yeah, that was actually the first face we made. it put them in the opposite order of the order in which i added them to my picture list. which makes all the difference in the world...
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