Saturday, July 08, 2006

i'm sunburned again, but not quite so bad as last time. the past couple of weeks i've been doing everything outside - putting up signs, playing badmitten, frolicking amongst the daisies... er, huh??

so, the other day we had to put some new lamps in a bigish sign up on a pole by the highway. in jasper. unfortunately there were only two access holes. actually, the quantity of holes was not the problem... mainly the size of them. robert didn't even try to climb through, but instead called on my narrow torso for the task (he refers to the three of us as the "two fat-boys and one skinny man with a tapeworm"). thank goodness i'm not clostrophobic. i had to stick my head through the slot, breathe, and then exhale deeply to get my chest through. i had a mild sense of, shall we say, urgency, when i once tried to take a breath before i got all the way in.

the fourth of july was wonderful! we were so excited about going to the jones' that we rose with the sun and left the house about an hour and a half later. at about 10:30. the food was glorious, the friends were friendly, the water fight was cold, the sky was overcast (during the hot part of the day, and it never rained. cool!!!), i don't know what the horse shoes were, and caleb shared his jelly beans. it was good to catch up with friends that i seldom see and make new ones.

i had my first guitar session of the summer on thurs. steve showed me a few things on guitars-in-progress in his shop. especially some sides he is bending. they're folded around an aluminum and particle board template which has light bulbs in it to make it hot. the wood is clamped at the waist to force it into the contour of a guitar side and heated for about 20 minutes. then allowed to cool. the process is repeated to set the curve, since it likes to spring back. i'm also highly excited to say that we began work on my guitar. steve is going to make one with me, from the beginning and do each step as i do it. we worked on the rosette first. we made many measurements and drew lines and circles and eventually cut out a very shallow ring in the spruce top, for the walnut ring that will encircle the sound hole. at least i'm pretty sure that's the species we finally landed upon. then we made more lines and circles ("we made lines and circles" makes it sound so easy) and used what i like to call the scalpal (same exacto knife i use in the sign shop) to cut out the walnut ring. it was very brittle, and i broke mine in about three places. i had just finished cutting it out, proudly held up the pretty little sliver, and dropped it on the bench. i felt less bad after steve broke his. eventually we got the pieces glued and clamped, and they're going to look great. billie also prepared a delicious supper to which i was invited - an invitation i readily accepted. i also got to behold a very beautiful maple and rosewood instrument that steve just sold at a guitar convention. ahhhh, and inspiring piece of work.

oh wow! i nearly clicked publish post without mentioning i watched POC dead man's chest last night! we've been talking about it here in the kitchen, and for some reason i just didn't write anything. i won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen it yet, but i will say i enjoyed it. it was more centered around the fantastic and the slapstick this time. not so clever as the first one. i thought there were some wasted punch lines (they could have come up with something way better to say and made certain moments perfect), some stuff wasn't developed as well, and certain scenes were too long and all-the-same. there were some good fight scenes, several healthy laughs, and lots of impressive computer animation. hope you enjoy it!

best be off and away. i have a face to shave and a wedding to attend in dallas.


Blogger Amy said...

I went to a wedding today, too, but I was playing for the ceremony; the service was really beautiful in every way. :)

You are a far braver soul than I...I would die of fright, if I'd had to sqirm my way through such an opening. I'm glad the sense of urgency didn't develop into a state of emergency. :)

I have a wonderful friend who's trying to open a guitar building workshop in the next several years. Your day as a luthier sounds fascinating; congrats on a job well done. :)

8:07 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

i couldn't help but chuckle about your friend trying to open a guitar shop "in the next several years." it's a little daunting to face the reality of accumulating the massive array of tools necessary for your own self-sufficient shop.

11:18 AM  
Blogger Paige said...

Amy-do you mean David? Because that would be super-duper cool!

Jordan-you don't know me, but Amy is my bestest friend, and Josh Jones is a good buddy of mine from school. I stumbled across your blog the other day, and I think I might pop in from time to time, if you don't mind. *grin*

Good luck with your guitar-making; it sounds like an uber-cool opportunity! I love the sound of the guitar, but I can't play more than a handful of chords.

Have a blessed day! Feel free to visit my blog if you ever have the inkling.

4:21 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

well hello paige. of course you're welcome to visit any time you like. i actually already had the inclination to visit your blog, and went there briefly a few days ago. i was amused (in a good way) by your "101 things" list. :) you have a blessed day too, and a terrific week while you're at it.

6:19 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hi, Paigel! Yes, I'm referring to David. He's the one person in the world I know that could actually get something like that going with excellence. :) Right? :)

Hi, Jordan! 'Hope you're doing great! Don't go through any more of those little openings, okay... :)

2:30 PM  
Blogger Paige said...

Amy--*grin* David certainly does have the expertise and the knowledge to get a nifty little shop like that off the ground...I would love to work with him if he does open such a shop. I do need a job after graduation, after all. *wink*

5:33 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

P.S. Your profile views are up again. :) 1223! I guess I don't really have to sign this comment, do I?

Hope you've been enjoying a wonderful week. God bless!

9:51 PM  

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