Monday, May 29, 2006

Life Is Happenin'

i'm sorry to have left that absurd scrap on the front page for so long. so much has been happening (working, jogging, dancing, watching movies, yard work, baby sitting, mouse hunting, electrocutions, and more things than you can imagine) that i won't even bother making excuses for why this post is tardy...

so i have been working. did i already mention grinding aluminum? i think so. nothing new to report on that front. i will be grinding until kingdom come.

i did meet my jogging expectations last week. ran 4 miles every week day, and capped it off with 8 on saturday.

besides scampering up and down the lanana creek trail, i also managed a little workout by going to the last two dance practices. i always forget how amazingly fun it is. i really want to take the ballroom dancing class at school, but i don't have anyone to do it with. seems like it would be better to have someone to practice with out of class. besides, adding that to 18 hours might not be a good idea. then again, it would be fun... whatever. i had an excellent time both last friday (when we danced in the allied warehouse. we had fans galore, one of which tried to fly away like a plane when we set it on a dolly) and this evening when we used the vinyard church facilities (which were air conditioned). this saturday is the grand ball, which will be held in the twilight ball room. i'm going to try to convince everyone that we need to have dance "practices" every week this summer.

on sunday, believe it or not, i got a babysitting job. unsolicited of course, but i was both pleased and amused to do it. the sicheashun wuz dis - there were two girls hopefully coming to a wedding to babysit 6 small children. however, they were not certainly going to be able to come, so obviously the parents were panicking. i agreed to come and look out for the little chaps. then, shortly after i arrived, the two other girls did show up. "great," i thought, "now this should be a sinch. just two kids per sitter." then an amazing thing happened. only two kids came. the rest were deemed worthy/capable/mature/whatever enough to sit in the sanctuary. to make a long (2 hour) story short, the three of us, struggling with all our might, managed to keep 2 munchkins under control, and i got $10. it must stink being a babysitter for a living. how do you highschool girls do it? or maybe the pay is better when you really are outnumbered, instead of the other way around.

today i got some more work, also unsolicited, but a little more up my alley. evan and i went to georgia's house and helped her and virgil do bunches of mowing, weedeating, brush clearing, pot dumping, etc. pot dumping, in spite of various first impressions that might have been popping into your head, is in fact referring to disposing of the contents of old plant containers and generally cleaning out a green house. i caught two baby rabbits after nearly mowing them. i hope their mother found them. besides rescuing cute animals, i was smart enough to shock myself on the dog's electric fense. nearly scared me to death, and made my whole body jolt. i also drank way bunches of "crack tea" from chicken express. thank you miss georgia!!!

last night i watched x-men III. i don't feel like giving a review. and that doesn't mean i didn't like it. cuz i did. just go see it if you're interested in such things. what i really can't wait for it POTC "dead man's chest." woot!

we have caught at least 3 mice in the last week. unlike the rabbits, however, we did not put them nicely in a shoe box. being of the smaller rodent variety they were tempted with peanut butter and brutally crushed. i think PETA should sue us both for animal cruelty and discrimination. isn't it weird the way with most things "smaller is cuter", but with rabbits (awww) and mice (UUAAAAGHHHHHH!!!!) nobody feels compassion for the little guy. this world just isn't fair.

i really have to go to sleep, so i will bid you goodnight.


Blogger Luddie said...

Yeah I had a blast that one random time I went with you guys to dance.

Huzzah for 18 hours! Everyone says don't do it and then we all do it anyway.

3:13 AM  
Blogger Amy said...

You didn't just use the word "bid" did you? :) (No worries... it's just your Old English-esque friend here...I won't say another word on the matter. ) :)

Thanks for the funny post; it gave me quite a few good laughs.

I'm so curious...what type of dance?

I actually managed to talk my 16 yr old brother into joining a dance class with me. (I promise you, no bribes were involved.) :) (OK, if you must know...last year I joined a Renaissance chorale for him, and he figured he could return the favor, in some small way.) :) I joined the dance class in hopes of the beautiful waltz or maybe quickstep. So far we've only covered Swing, Lindy, and Salsa (of all things). :) Oh well, I'm having a glorious time, and it's quite fun, also, because some of my ancestors in the 1880s were professional ballroom instructors and traveled the South teaching; it's neat to "get in touch" with a far-off bit of my heritage. :)

9:13 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

howdy josh! good to hear from ya. yes, 18 hours here i come. i'm at least glad to have worked up to it, instead of doing it my first semester.

we are doing civil war era ballroom dancing. and yes, that does include "the beautiful waltz." actually lots of different waltz's. i've done a tiny bit of swing with another group (by the campus tennis courts. very casual). quite a blast.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Bree said...

Hey no need to convince me of dance practice ever week. I'm all for it. As a matter of fact I don't think you'll have trouble convincing anyone. It's just a question of where to have it.

Ahhkk! I can't wait for POTC either! You should definitely join me in dressing down like a pirate to go see it. Don't miss your opportune moment mate.

5:42 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

hey, i'll volunteer dale's shop for practice if everyone can handle the heat. i'll personally move the tables and set up the fans off the clock!

let's definitely be pirates together for potc. you might have to help me with my costume. as much as i like the idea, i have to admit that's not my forte. probably end up with something pretty lame, or nothing at all. by nothing at all i mean nothing piraty of course... don't be alarmed.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Ah, I see. The dancing sounds way too fun. :) I'd love to learn some of the antebellum dances. I'm, also, rather fond of all those old, English Country dances. Anyway... I hope you'll have a great day tomorrow. :)

10:50 PM  
Blogger Leighanne said...

I cannot imagine jogging 4 miles a day. I would pass out.

But DANCING IS THE GREATEST! Seriously, I absolutely love it. We're going to HAVE to make it a regular activity and have balls every year. :-)

Last night we had dinner with the Pattersons. Naturally, the ball came up and Mrs. Patterson was telling us about Jessica doing some kind of dancing...I didn't catch it all.


5:00 AM  
Blogger Bree said...

I have no 'plaints..........

(Mommy! What are 'plaints?)

11:35 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

oh yeah, i've talked to jessica, but only a couple of times. we were going to play ultimate together, but never did.

complaints bree, complaints. you'll probably be added this weekend. assuming i have time somewhere in there. which is not necessarily a good assumption.

9:24 PM  

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