Saturday, September 02, 2006

"I'm on fire! I'm on fire!"

being back on campus is fun times. the first week of school is over, and i think i'm ready to take it on. my schedule is almost complete (just lacking a lab and a couple of teaching times). the dorm is nice, if not yet complete. yesterday we already had a fire alarm. in these new buildings they have a system where the alarm has to go off in two rooms at the same time to trigger an evacuation of the whole building, which means that a whole lot of evacuations are avoided. you know, someone taking a steamy hot shower and suddenly opening the door, etc. sooooooo some(freshman)one cooked their popcorn waaaay too long and created a stench that filled the fourth floor. we only got half-way down the stairs though before it went off and we got to go back to our rooms. come on people, since when does anyone imagine they have to cook pop corn for 3 minutes?? hopefully exploding everyone's eardrums with the fancy new alarm system will satisfy their lust for fire drills.

i just got a 3-hole punch and i'm entirely too pleased. i have also discovered the love of berries & cream dr pepper. thank goodness my carbonation fast is over. course, i'm still going to try to limit myself (no more 6 dr peppers per day). must toddle on my way. have a great weekend everyone.


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