Wednesday, November 29, 2006

After Thanksgiving

yeah. sorry there was no thanksgiving update. or maybe this is it and i shouldn't be apologizing. sorry it's late. there we go. thanksgiving was great, by the way. i ate with heather's family on thurs., then went to huntsville for celebrations with her mom's side of the family, then went to my aunt and uncle's house for a bit, and then came home. i ate zero turkey. it was still a great thanksgiving. i went swimming. for like, 26 seconds.

so tonight i was walking to the cafeteria, and my feet were kind of sore. then i saw that the tree in the middle of the clark street turnabout had a section of lights that were out and that bothered me. also i passed an unoccuppied vehicle parked by the curb. it's lights flashed when i walked by, and it honked. then the ignition started. i pretended not to be startled or surprised. i'm pretty sure it worked. then i had a mediocre hamburger and fries with a delicious root beer and decided not to practice tonight. i shall take out my laundry and go to sleep instead.

church was really good tonight. i have some verses i feel like sharing. but not right now. when it's 9 o'clock and i already feel disfuctional, it's not a good sign.

and there's something else. TODAY IS MELANIE'S BIRTHDAY!!! i know none of you know melanie, though perhaps you've visited her blog (which is linked as mel belle "over there" -->). so happy birthday mel belle. i hope its fabulous and that i can come up with a good excuse for why my card is coming late.

peace out, y'all. (like i ever say that)

vapid \VAP-id; VAY-pid\, adjective:1. Lacking liveliness and spirit; unanimated; spiritless; dull; as, "a vapid speech."2. Flavorless; lacking taste or zest; flat; as, "vapid beer."

One year he was writing vapid and sentimental mediocrities, and the next he was turning out one of the best poems of our century.-- Anatole Broyard, New York Times

i just love that sentence. "...writing vapid and sentimental mediocrities..." mediocre is a pretty decent word, if you think about it. just like that hamburger. if i were you, i would feel sorry for whoever ate that burger. goodnight.


Blogger quirky said...

reusing that word in your comment was a very sly way of correcting my spelling. thanks.


see you manana.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

Hi there, Jordan! It's great to hear of your Thanksgiving.

It's kind of humorous that you didn't eat any turkey. (I didn't either, but I'm a vegetarian.) :) Anyway, funny as it is, I'm the only one in our family who will make a turkey. Everyone got in the holiday mood, quite early in November, and by the time Thanksgiving came, our family had already feasted on two of the delicious birds. :)

Anyway, I'm sure we still have turkey leftovers somewhere...I can air mail you some, if you'd like. :) I'll bet that between my family's turkey and Heather's delectable meatloaf, you two could probably enjoy a tasty meal, minus the nasty pasta, of course. :)

Alright, I'm saying good-bye for now. God bless!

8:46 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

aww jordan! thanks for the birthday shout out! you're cool. no, you're more than cool... you pretty much rock. and thanks for calling. that made my day!

12:33 AM  

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