Friday, April 01, 2005

Hurrah, Another Weekend

made it through another week. major accomplishments: finished the biggest baddest macgamut assignment (i noticed an online "group" called "i HATE macgamut!") of all time, made an awesome set of wind chimes, turned in a research paper outline, had a more consistent practice time than i've had in a long time (practiced the piano at least a little bit every single day, and only missed one day on violin), turned in my FAFSA renewal application (stop laughing mom - no, i'm not going to go over the details now...), aced a theory test, went to an opera, heard a wonderful recital by our dear susie littleton, went to java jacks with papa (it's so good to have dad nearby to chat and drink coffee with), reached the climax of the ultimately messy room... etc., etc., etc. those are just a few of the details. not necessarily in that order.

going to a ball tomorrow in tyler. must get up early enough to wash clothes and eat lunch before leaving.

it's getting crazily cold again. like, actually outside this time. i can keep my jacket on when i go outside. the other morning before going to my 8 o'clock i got all bundled up with a long sleeve shirt and jacket and everything, and when i opened the back door and braced myself....i was hit with a wall of humid, hot dead air. you might say they keep it freakishly cold in here. and i just realized i'm not making any sense any more because i'm sleepy. good night.

wunderkind \VOON-duhr-kint\, noun;plural wunderkinder \-kin-duhr\:1. A child prodigy.2. One who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Can we see a photo of it?
(The wind chimes - not the room.)

Have a great weekend - I'm sure Ludwhig will miss getting to go ballroom dancing. :> <----- That's a little bird smiling. Isn't it cute?

8:40 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

yes, that's very cute. unfortunately i didn't get around to taking a picture of the wind chimes before i went to class, and then we had to leave the chimes there wo the main professor can see them (he didn't come to that lab). so as soon as i get them back, some time next week, there will be pictures!

11:19 AM  

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