Saturday, April 23, 2005


this was a restful day. slept until about 12 to catch up from thurs night. then i got up and went straight to david's party. i was 30 min late but i was still the first one there. i think he just got up not long before i got there anyway. so he and andrea and i just goofed off and worked on lunch. listened to music. watched part of a movie (the thief and the cobbler) for "background" entertainment. eventually everyone got there. it was the whole piano crowd - sam, christine, india, rene (however you spell what's pronounced wren-ay), and dr parr even came and brought his older daughter katie, and of course david, andrea and i were there. only molly and erin didn't show up, but we already knew they would be absent. so anyway, we ate an absolutely delicious lunch of fajitas. i tell you what, david can really cook. and christine made an incredible scrumptious chocolate cake. i even got two pieces without having to ask just because i helped pass out plates! so dudes, hold the door for the ladies and never eat the first piece of cake, and riches (and dessert) beyond imagining will be yours! besides eating, we mainly just talked. and there was a fine game of mario going on the nintendo set most of the time. it was super intense. talk about edge-of-your-seat excitement. i have to admit they sometimes had an alarming way of screeching when some little turtle or fish brougth mario to his demise. besides this, i also got david to show me his "recording studio" set up in his room. i'm quite envious. he has a very nice electric piano and microphone, as well as all sorts of electronic recording devices and programs set up on his computer. he's even getting to do the music (by do the music i mean he's writing it himself) for sfa's feature film of the year. we got to listen to a little bit and it sounds really cool. though i have no idea about the movie. so anyway, once everyone else decided to go and we said our tearful fairwells, we watched the rest of the thief and the cobbler. oh, i forgot to mention that ever decided to show up. he came in late, i guess that's why i forgot to include him in the list of people that came in at the beginning. also the fact that he's not a piano person. then we eventually had to leave because david had to go to work.

when i got back keith and i got a game of RA going. i squashed him, and then we went and got dinner. we also swung by the hayter house to see david. but he wasn't playing because there was no one there eating in the section behind the bar, and therefore no reason for him to sit at the piano. i also happened to see good ol' dr b! he and his wife were just leaving from eating there when keith and i walked in. so we caught up on old time from philmont and scouting days and college life and how our family's are doing and...... i mean, i introduced him to keith and we said, "higreattoseeyagoodbye!" okay, both of those scenarios were lies, but the point is, we saw dr b. and that's all that matters.

ate at cici's. and then, i finally got to watch brave heart. can you believe i haven't seen it till now? it was an awesome movie. quite violent, yes, of course - but a good movie. i'm sure evan would think so too, since he's all into history and especially scotish stuff. "Wallace! Wallace! Wallace....."

with that happy note, i will sleep. good night............good night............

rara avis \RAIR-uh-AY-vis\, noun;plural rara avises \RAIR-uh-AY-vuh-suhz\ or rarae aves \RAIR-ee-AY-veez\:A rare or unique person or thing. (Rara avis is Latin for "rare bird.")


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