Monday, May 30, 2005

Memorial day

sadly, our paintball plans didn't pan out. sam went to A-1 pawn to try to fill up with air, but they were closed. of course. but we just hadn't thought about anyone besides us having the day off. so, because of lack of attendance and lack of air, we put off the games for some other day. sam and john did come over and we had great times in the woods. we made a new fort, or at least began one. it will be virtually impenetrable to enemy fire when it is completed.

i would like to mention that courtney has taken a new interest in my 12 ring puzzle. i think she almost understands it and is more than half way through solving it with only minor hints here and there along the way. she's obviously on her way to becoming the next family genius...

in addition to places like A-1 pawn, sfa was also almost completely shut down today. the main consequences for me being that i couldn't access my music, my violin, or nice grand pianos. no practice was completed. however, i did get some mice for my snakes. they are quite happy now. and i looked at cingular to see about getting a new phone service. i have discovered that prepaid is very expensive. not that i didn't know before, but i would really like to be able to talk more than i can at its prices. however, i may just have to bite my tongue and keep the prepaid and simply talk less. =-o and lastly, i got a couple of things at wal-mart. chiefly socks, tape, thread, batteries, and college ruled paper. i swear i walked around two isles, one of which had the paper on it, 3 or 4 times before i found it. just slowly walked around and around and around looking from side to side. i was on the verge of going crazy and starting to do it faster before i finally spotted it.

this evening we had the most delicious hamburgers. beef from home raised cows on home made bread. does it get any better than that? well, maybe if we'd had fresh milk and cheese, with a salad from the garden. but i'll take what i can get. apparently there's a possibility of home made yogurt on wednesday... mmmmmmmmm.

this evening we sang patriotic songs and basically showed our appreciation for the troops. in the living room. it was definitely some good times. anyway, time for me to waddle off to bed.

comestible \kuh-MES-tuh-buhl\, adjective:
Suitable to be eaten; eatable; esculent -- noun: Something suitable to be eaten; -- usually in the plural.


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