Wednesday, October 19, 2005

J.S. (Johann Sebastian) Bach...

i couldn't resist giving you this little tid bit. while doing some of my studying for keyboard literature, i ran accross this facinating website about bach. i will include the text in it's entirety, which is quite extensive (NOT!). you have two options: basically you can laugh your head off or shake it in despair.


J.S. Bach was born in Eisenach, Germany, in 1685 and died in 1750 (he was 65 when he died). He came from a long family history of professional muscicians [sic] including church organists and composers. Like his father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, J.S. (Johann Sebastian) would learn and surpass him in this art of classical music composing.

Bach's childhood wasn't that great [no kidding...] as his father passed away when he was 9 and his mother also died when he was a young boy. Although he spent much time with his musically inclined uncles, he also spent time studying and learning from his older brother, Johann Christoph Bach.

Growing up, Bach learned much about organ building. Back in those days, the church organ was a highly complex instrument with many mechanical and moving parts/pedals and pipes. His early experience with repairing and talking with organ builders & performers would prove valuable as he mastered the musical craft.

Copyright All Rights Reserved [wow, good thing they included that last. i sure would like to quote from that little snippet of literary genius and say it was my original words.]"

the article itself lies here

btw, since i'm talking about geniuses (was i?) i thought i'd point out that my bracketed words are supposed to be yellow. if they're not, i'm sorry, but the fact is that when they're red i can't read them once they're posted, and on here i can't even tell the difference (meaning they probably aren't even red at all. more like brown or something). if it's not yellow, knowing how i am, i hereby guess that it is green in advance of correction.


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