Thursday, February 09, 2006


some people are just so fidgety, myself included. i'm always drumming my fingers, bounching my leg, popping my neck (ugh... i know), whistling (that's kind of a different category), and all manner of things. so i'm sitting in aural theory (which i think i actually whistled a little in there today) when i suddenly got the vague sensation that i was sitting on a running washing machine. now, sitting in vibrating chairs isn't really my thing ya know. unless i'm on a long trip and just letting myself be lulled to sleep by the eternal bumping of the tires. i also usually try not to fall asleep in class. but maybe someone already was asleep. namely, the girl behind me with her feet on my chair. perhaps dreaming of a road trip... then in music history i was looking around at people during a listening session. this is the only class i'm in, and ever have been in where i'm sitting almost in the back. every single other class i sit in the front, and the only reason i don't now is because i have another class going right up till the second before it starts, preventing me from ever being early. since seating is on a first come first serve basis, and there are fewer desks than students, i'm out of luck. but that has nothing to do with fidgeting. there i am in the back of the class room, where i can actually look around and not look like an idiot (gosh) twisting around in my chair. this one girl across the room started scratching the back of her head with the end of her pencil. the itch must have been quite extensive since she scraped at her scalp for a long time. i was facinated by the rat's nest that began to emerge in the swirling hair. so apparently after the itch was relieve it was simply a form of fidgeting. so we finished listening to haydn's symphony #95 and i ran off to go drum my fingers in accompanying. i jumped my bicycle off the steps between austin and rusk. it was fun. pretty sweet jump. i got like, 3 seconds of air. yeah man.


Blogger quirky said...

nick reese huh... never heard of 'em.

10:44 PM  

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