Friday, February 10, 2006

well, ever and i went to a wind concert. oh, surprise surprise, right? and only because we couldn't find anything better to do in the hopping town of nac. just as we were about to purchase our tickets, who should appear, but missy devine. she cocked an eyebrow and curled her lip. "well, i was just looking for two young men like you." "our services come at a price," i replied as i anxiously perceived myself being inlisted into devine service. "i demand... free tickets to this concert! no less!" so she consented (and took my recital card). after completing our duties of removing several old (and surprisingly heavy) tables and chairs which were marring the lounge ambience, we were each given a free ticket, and the lovingly bestowed token of 25 cents from the hand of our very own dear missy. "y'all go buy yerself somethin' nice," she crooned with sarcasm. "why thank you missy! you're absolutely divine! we can just put our money together and buy a snickers bar!" and that's just what we... didn't get around to doing. oh, and there was a concert. followed by cake and punch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hate to say it, but that didn't sound very "divine" to me at all. Yuk yuk.
Sounded like coerced physical labour! (-_^)

But I guess the concert was worth it?

12:54 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

nah, but the cake was.

5:24 PM  

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