Tuesday, April 25, 2006

'Brella Cuzza Rain

i'm falling in love with early quiet times in the arboretum. it's the place to be, i'm telling you. very peaceful, and quite pleasant with weather like today (this morning that is).

other important events of the day include burning my tongue on pizza cheese.

wearing my special hat, and walking in the rain.

standing at the top of the stadium in the dark and letting my hair blow around my face.

registered for classes! woot woot!!! 18 hours.

dr tkacik suggested that anyone interested should consider taking some of his upper level courses, in his areas of "speciality." however he prefaced this suggestion with the statement that "those other courses are not like this one. you actually have to work, and write papers, and do lots of reading. i recommend my terrorism course: 'how to do it'." one of the guys is like, "whoa whoa whoa wait a minute. not 'easy' like this one? are you saying this isn't a lot of reading?" we all joined in laughing at his expense, and shared with him the sober truth that once he advanced past his freshman year the reading load for this course would seem like a piece of cake. then he said, "oh my gooooood!" and started wailing.

i've always loved this word:
galumph \guh-LUHM(P)F\, intransitive verb:To move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread.


Blogger Melanie said...

don't you just love the naive little freshmen who have no idea what they're in for? makes me smile. although, every semester i think is hard is just proven by the next one to have been a piece of cake. naive little me. i'm no better.

10:11 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

naive little freshmen (and big ones too) are great. the older they get without losing their naivity, the less great they are. fat smelly upper classmen who try to force their roommate to register their classes for them because they're too lazy/idiotic to do it themselves are such an example. :-D

1:28 PM  

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