Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Dancing and Fighting

yes, that's what i did yesterday. ever and i decided to try our hand at capoeira. for those of you who don't know, it's a portuguese game that sort of combines break dancing and tae kwon do. so yea. i managed to mildly injure myself the first day. i was trying to walk accross the basketball court on my hands, and somehow i fell and hit both of my knees really hard on the floor. *OUCH!* a bag of ice and some rest and some medicine and a little hobbling around and i'll be fine. but i'm going back next class time! i think it will be fun once get the hang of it. and a good work out too. i'll keep you updated on my new skills.

i can't believe it, but my home is about to be torn down. yep, you heard right. wilson dormitory is being razed to the ground. got to make way for the new and improved. the new dorm is going to take up all the property that wilson, starr apartments, and a lot of the parking spaceis currently using. it will house between 6 and 800 people. "what's gunna happen to me nooooooww?!?" so hopefully i'll be able to move to wisely. i've already considered it since it's so close to the music building (my second home. or my third home, if you will). we shall see, we shall see.

so besides fighting and dancing and moving and playing amazing music and being the ping pong champion, i guess there's not much else to say for today. i reckon it's time for theory. later.



Blogger Suzanne said...

Thanks for the update. We shall stay tuned.

6:53 AM  
Blogger C. Bright said...

Wow, you make the salsa and flamingo that we do in Español look like random hopping. Come to think of it though, with us it *is* random hopping, never mind! Congrats on the bunged knees, now you rival Josh who tore his out for the first day at LU. :P

Wowsers on the dorm thing. Guess that my situation is a lot more secure than most (unless Amy wanted to raze our bedroom and live in the closet!). Did you say where you were considering going to? Do they have a place set aside for you or are you on your own?

Later tater

9:51 AM  
Blogger Ex-Fed said...

Pretty interesting post. I enjoyed reading it. Log onto mine and I hope you will enjoy it, too.

9:56 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

hey, pea. yes, i did say where i wanted to move to. to wisely dorm. it's closer to the music building. and i am sort of on my own, but i will get priority for a new room over other people wanting to move.

and hello ex-fed. of course i have no idea who you are :-) but i'm glad you enjoyed reading my blog. by the way, nice car! (your second to last post) i just have a thing for cool cars.

10:09 PM  

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