Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Events of a Packed Day

today was indeed a busy day. had class super ealy, at 8 o'clock. also had a history test. after lunch i had accompanying class. at the beginning of accompanying we all went and listened to our teacher play for a singer. the singer was doing some kind of an audition. then i played for our class. then i had rehearsal with the chamber orchestra, our very first rehearsal i might add. let's just say, things could have gone a lot better than they did. but they still clapped their heads off for me. then i went and accompanied ben (my singer) for a master class with some guest artist big wig whatever dude. i played beautifully. oh...yeah, ben sang beautifully too. and you know what? mr guest artist big wig whatever dude didn't even shake my hand or say good job or offer me any advice or anything! :-( dr petti said that just should not be. and that's about it for the school stuff.

then ended up going to a capoeira demonstration at steen, which matt decided to do i suppose to recruit more girls to our team. hmmm. they put on a pretty good show. but apparently it didn't have a huge impact on the steen residents. i think one girl came who was all like, "are you the guys who came and did the dance-thingy?"
"yayeah baby" (matt). then she sat down next to the wall way far away from us and did homework or something. SOOOO! i guess her interest wasn't too peaked. but class did procede on without her... now i think i'm going to be sore in the morning. almost two hours of this stuff will really get to you. i don't know exactly how to adequately describe it for you. hmmm. imagine dancing around a basket ball court, doing slow-motion cart-wheels from one end to the other, walking on your hands from one end to the other, as well as all manner of kicks and stuff, and dodge moves (to avoid these kicks) that amount to side-ways pushups. then after doing all that, and a gazillion other things, you're finally warmed up and ready to play the game. so. like i was saying. SORE!

went to the shop this evening and helped papa fix an underpinner. (sorry jeff, you're not the only dad who gets to be called papa. that's what you and anna call your dad, right abigail?)

i also thought i would share with you, that i officially came to a decision. yes, with much deliberation, and arguments on both sides (thank's again abigail, shame on all you other people for refusing to comment, except evan and my parents [who did comment, just not on the blog] because of his computer problems),uh...where was i? oh yes. i have come to a decision to not go on the date. hopefully donna (i think that's her name) is not too dissapointed, which she really shouldn't be since i don't even know her. someday i'll go on a date. maybe with someone i've actually met and think i like. aaaanyway.

i guess that's about it. just comment if you get the chance. or maybe no one is reading. hmmm. but reading the comments is half the fun of having a blog. so feel free, feel encouraged to write something!

oleaginous: of an olive tree. resembling or having the prperites of oil; containing or producing oil. (sounds like my skin)

no 8:00 class tomorrow! hurray!! or thursday, or friday!! hip hip, hooraay!!!!!!! .......... (you know you're a music major when all your classes are canceled for TMEA weekend)


Blogger Suzanne said...

I'm away for a couple of days, and you start deliberating about things. What prospective date? I'll have to read about it. Well, it sounds like you survived the desicion ok without my advice. ALL you had was your parents and a couple of others. Whew, THAT was a close call! :-D

10:51 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

didnt take my advice? ;-) weeeeell, I wouldnt have called it advice anyway....

Papas are special :-)

12:24 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

sorry abigail, no. i didn't take your advice. nothing personal or anything. and yes, papa's are special. :-)

2:37 PM  

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