Monday, February 07, 2005


today was a pretty good day. managed to live through my physics test. i'm not sure whether i got an 85 or a 73 on it. yea, pretty weird. apparently one of the answers was put into the computer wrong and i picked the one the computer thought was right, when it really wasn't. so i thought my score was one thing, and then after the changes it may go down. what a huge bummer. i'm devastated. this class is definitely going to take some energy. but at least i know what i'm up against now.

ok. nobody get too excited about what i'm going to say next. ahem. apparently i may be being hired to be someones valentine date. wow, i can alread hear the phone jangling with a call from dad. here's how it is (and no, i'm not definitely going, i haven't decided yet): my friend ever has a friend that wants him to be her date. and being the nice guy that he is, he wants to oblige. but "she" has another dear friend who also doesn't have a date. so, logically i'm the perfect man (boy, whatever) for her! oh great. one part of me says no way, and another part of me thinks it sounds fabulously hilarious. i always like things that are somehow amusing. this is definitely that. one of her friends actually came and pleaded with me to take the girl. hmmm. i'm not sure. but a group date with one of my good buddy's being the other guy surely wouldn't be so bad. i'll have to see. i definitely won't if it coincides with any of my brother's birthday stuff this weekend. hhhhhhhhhhhhh....... i don't know. you guys comment about this, ok? man oh man, i can see it now, us all going into chili's and of all the possible people, ben would end up being my waiter. he would be like, "what the heck are you doing here?!? who in the world is that??" i squirm at the thought. but at the same time i think it might be fun. how i've rambled on. but there's nothing else to do, except get off the computer and do history and theory like a good boy.

does anyone know what i can do to get my profile stuff to come back up to the top of the page? it somehow got moved to the very bottom of my blog. any help would be appreciated.

tomorrow's my first rehearsal with the chamber orchestra. everyone remember that our performance will be on march 3rd. 7:30pm in cole concert hall in the music building at sfa. please come!

Neufchatel: a soft unripened cheese similar to cream cheese but containing less fat and more moisture.


Blogger Abigail... said...

Wooo....I think you should go on the date....I find that all events that have the possiblity of being a good story later-totally worth it

Also, what does "hired" mean exactly? Is there money involved? food? Because if! you shouldnt even ask? ;-)

10:09 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

no money :-p more like, taken into service. recruited for a task. whatever.

9:49 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

ah well, you cant have everything ;-)

11:24 AM  

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