Wednesday, May 04, 2005


if you will notice, i did put up a new "beardless" profile picture. i'm sorry i didn't shave first, but that's probably a more accurate depiction of what i look like most of the time, since i hate shaving (yeah ever wonder why i grew that beard out for so long in the first place?).

i did finish that research paper at long last. wasn't able to post about that or anything else yesterday because the sfa server was down for a while. now i only have piano juries and finals in every other class under the sun. but somehow i feel light as a feather since the paper is done. well, sorta light. except that the reality of juries is starting to hit home with a pretty solid punch.

practiced a bunch today. oh! i went to the music prep string recital last night. let me tell you, there were some amazing little string players. when listening to this one girl who looks about 10 (no older than 12 certainly) karen said, "wow, i wish i could play like that." just think how good she'll be in 8 or 10 years when she's our age! assuming she doesn't get burned out, which karen pointed out is a possibility. i sure hope she keeps up the good work and doesn't get fed up with it from over doing it while she's still young.

went to church this evening. had an encouraging lesson on psalm 23. a bunch of us went to java jacks afterward and talked about stuff. not so much the service this time, but just things we had questions and concerns about. i always enjoy talking with this bunch of people.

in other sad news, a girl just got arrested on campus yesterday for drunken indecent exposure in front of a police officer. i can't believe the stuff people will do, regardless of what condition they're in. that's a good reason not to get in the habit of drinking too much. makes you do crazy stuff.

oh, and by the way, i'm in the middle of talking to someone on aim, and they say that i should be talking about them. she came up with this idea because i said that i didn't have anything interesting to post about this time. i'm sorry though melanie, even though our conversation has been somewhat entertaining, it doesn't really have anything of substance that would help to flesh out my post.

anway, here's the word of the day as i head to the bed.

corpulent \KOR-pyuh-luhnt\, adjective:Very fat; obese.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was phase when everyone said this thing or that thing was "phat" which meant cool. remember? that
s phat dude... and so one. sometimes even speak out "p-h phat" for clarification.

NOW, i've been trying to get Korpulent to catch on but it's hard. Since it is your word of the day i suggest you join my quest to bend popular culture to our whims!

J-dawg is korpulent.

3:07 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

wow, that's awesome man. with our forces joined together, who knows what we may accomplish??

3:38 PM  
Blogger Abigail... said...

good luck with THAT! I tried to bring "swell" back in HS...but no one caught on...and its a whole lot easier for the masses to remember...

maybe if you hired some celebrity to join the campaign...I can just SEE Britney Spears saying "korpulent" in her next interview ;-)

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who we really need is Orlando Bloom.
just think if he spouted it off in Kingdom of Heaven . the gals'd go nuts and the guys could follow suit... "hey baby, that movie was tight but it's not half as korpulent as you." *wink*

oh yeah....

but yeah, more like: oh no.

7:22 PM  
Blogger quirky said...


8:25 AM  
Blogger Abigail... said...


9:30 AM  

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