Friday, July 08, 2005

The Cuzzin's Are Here!

aunt nancy and her kiddos, kyle, kelly and keegan, are all here visiting right now. they're on vacation from michigan. i think they're going to be here a total of three days, which means they're probably leaving some time tomorrow. this evening there was an amazing talent show. the range of instruments included, piano, violins, guitar, harmonica, voice, (accompanied by piano, and karaoke) as well as recitation of poetry etc.

we dined upon spaghetti and chocolate chip cookies. at completely different times. now we are in the midst of playing 42. i was playing, but i have sometime since relinquished my position to courtney. i also hear a movie playing upstairs. mom is busy using deadly force against an invasion of insects. napoleant is widening his territory to include the indoors. not a smart move.

of course, i went to work today. even though i haven't been posting, i have still been over at dale's shop. been constructing lots of metal letters. we have now spelled FURNITURE, in gigantic letters. and now GALLERY, also large, but not nearly as big as FURNITURE. last, but certainly not least, we have to create Griffith. let me tell you, the faunt they have chosen is not going to be easy. we have to bend these strips of aluminum around every letter to make a casing that will have lights inside, and the curvy caligraphy style just isn't doin' it for me. dale's going to have to offer some serious help for me and john i'm thinkin'. i dunno, maybe john's up to it. by the way, there's finally a sign up that "i made." the pizza hut sign on south street. go ahead, go check it out. it's totally the most awesome thing now. kinda get the same sensation of pride as i got working for my dad, with one special difference. it sounds better to say, "go check out the new sign for pizza hut on south street that i made," than to say "have you gone to the bathroom in la caretta's? i made those partitions."

somnolent \SOM-nuh-luhnt\, adjective:1. Sleepy; drowsy; inclined to sleep.2. Tending to cause sleepiness or drowsiness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

remind me to check out pizza hut when I get back...

9:36 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

sho thang. let's check out the pizza too while we're there. :-P

6:11 PM  

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