Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The New Job

here's the update on working at allied sign builders! i officially did begin work on tues. my friendly new co-worker, john, helped me get started with "sign-making 101." we got started on a vinyl sign. actually he already had half of it done, but it's two-sided, with the same thing on both sides. i was introduced the materials, a few simple tools, and some beginner's practice. for those of you as ignorant as me (or as i was a few days ago) about sign-making, here's a few of the things i've learned. the vinyl letters are stuck to a sheet of heavy paper. a clear sheet of sticky contact paper is stuck to the surface. whatever surface the letters are going to be placed on is spread on a large table. then you measure till you've got it exactly where you want the letters on the finished product. once it's in place, tape down the middle and fold it in half. peel the paper off the back and spray it with water. this is to temporarily neutralize the contact glue, making it easier to get it on the right spot without it suddenly sticking to the wrong place and getting stretched and messed up. then you use a stiff squeegee to rub out the water and air bubbles and stick the letters down. then the other half can be done. the reason for doing it one half at a time is it's less material to deal with and therefore easier. the tape keeps the other half from moving while you stick down the one half. okay, that was a big "duh." after leaving it for a couple of minutes the contact paper can be peeled off leaving the vinyl letters on the sign. i guess that's the basic process for a lot of the signs. there are lots of tiny details along the way. using a tiny scalpal like knife to trim edges, squeezing out water and air bubbles, layering multiple colors, sealing the edges of the over-laps, etc. etc. etc. also of course there is the computer stuff and the equipment for cutting the vinyl and all the design process. today i was shown the computer program they use for designing the signs, and also a small cutting machine for doing some of the lighter (thinner) vinyl. john showed me how to tell the machine to cut the vinyl through the computer, how to set up the vinyl in the machine for it to be cut, how to strip off the excess material around the letters, and all that jazz. i find it all quite facinating. one thing i've noticed is that the sign making business does not make efficient use of materials. i guess it's really pretty much impossible to avoid, but there is an insane amount of trash. we filled up 4 or 5 barrels with tape and contact paper and backer paper and paper towels besides the floor sweepings in the last two days. speaking of sweeping, between all that other stuff i've been learning how to do, i've been trying to get the entire shop cleaned up. it's going to be quite a job, but i think if i do sections of the shop at a time it won't be too bad. actually i think i like organizing and stuff. but whatever. i did cut my hand on a piece of metal while cleaning this evening. i'll have to watch out for that sort of thing in the future.

anyway, that is quite a long boring description of sign-building. it's more interesting when you're actually doing it.

of course i played ultimate frizbee (yes, the z is deliberate) yesterday. it was at least as fun as usual, if not more so. i feel myself improving, which is always nice. the guys and gals on the team are really nice. they're so understanding of my green mistakes and lack of skills. always ready to help out, offer advice and new techniques, and just full of general encouragement. i can imagine a different attitude on their part making it not nearly as enjoyable for me. thankfully they make it terrific!

tomorrow, jordan flournoy is definitely giving a recital (piano) in lufkin. and you should absolutely come. for those of you who don't know, he's incredibly talented (18 and getting ready to come to sfa for grad work, in piano performance i believe). call my house if you know the number and want some more info. of course i would give it to you here, but i don't know anything more about it, except that it's at 7:30 in lufkin. tomorow (thursday june 16 2005).

ineluctable \in-ih-LUCK-tuh-buhl\, adjective:Impossible to avoid or evade; inevitable.


Blogger Luddie said...

Frizbee skillz! GAWSH!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

facinating huh?

9:44 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

yer welcome

9:47 PM  

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