Monday, June 13, 2005


work is almost used up. well, in some places. specifically where i've been working. i made a delivery today, and that about wraps things up until there are more orders. i've made a few phone calls looking for a job. actually, two to be exact. or three if you count two to the same place. :-P i'm not really used to the whole looking for work thing. it's always been there when i needed it (and when i wanted to run from it). i dont mean to make this a job searching site, but feel free to let me know if you have the perfect job for me! however, the plus side of not much work, is plenty of time for practicing. i went to the music building at around 10:30 this morning... and stayed there till about 4:00. got lots of practice in on both the piano and violin. i did in fact do the piano and the violin at the same time today. i wanted to have the piano playing my violin part to help me stay in tune. sometimes it's easy to get off when it's just the violin (for me, be as inexperienced as i am) so hearing a unison pitch on every note keeps things on track. so i played it on the piano and it accompanied me while i played the violin. aren't disklaviers the most wonderful thing of all time? ran a few errands this evening, including getting some more music at encore. also set up an eye exam for tomorrow. ugh, more money i have to spend. wait... i love spending money. buuuuut, i've been working on a budget and i'm becoming more and more aware of how much too much money i'm spending. and i hadn't even thought to put eye care in there until now. oh well, rough times build character. lol to those of you saying, "you ain' seen nuthin' yet boy!" so true, so true... ahhh, looking forward to another day of practicing.

blandishment \BLAN-dish-muhnt\, noun:
Speech or action that flatters and tends to coax, entice, or persuade; allurement -- often used in the plural.

"Perfect, gentle reader: I will not begin this book with a tribute to your discernment, because a person of your obvious accomplishments would certainly be immune to such blandishments."
--Richard Stengel, You're Too Kind: A Brief History of Flattery


Blogger Suzanne said...

Yeah, that money stuff is nice to learn in stages. Some day you'll know what your dad carries around all the time, but for now learning to budget and spend money on real needs is a good place to start for you (and your kind.) ;-)

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it must be nice making an eye appointment for the NEXT DAY.

'round austin, you call, they can get you in within 2 months. if you're lucky. my appointment is for august 4th.

10:20 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

haha, stinks for you. :-P

9:29 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

oh, by the by, luke has been deleted from my list. i don't know if any of you ever read his blog (which was once a fine thing to read), but he discontinued writing to it. then he started deleting his posts. then he put up one final farewell, which stayed up for a couple of weeks. now his site is non-existent. we'll miss you luke!

9:35 AM  

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