Sunday, June 05, 2005

"An' They Were Dancin', an' Singin'..."

so yeeeeaaahhh. here i am royally falling down on the blogging job. at the moment i'm feeling rather tired. yesterday i went to an eagle scout court of honor for cody. congratulations on a terrific achievment cody! then there was a combo graduation ceremony for him and two of his sisters (they're triplets) and another guy (daniel). so that was quite a lot to sit through. then we went to the reception afterward (where there was some very tempting punch, of which i partook liberally. as well as a famous "miss wicky eagle scout cake"). then we went with the fearings to auntie pastas. now, i don't think i've ever complained about auntie's before, but i was almost unimpressed by my pasta this time. it wasn't bad, just tasted a little like the chicken had been cooked with some other chicken that had been burned. just a slight unpleasant flavor. barely noticeable. oh well. it was still pretty good. theeeeeeen we went to the real graduation celebration at knights of columbus. we mainly ate refreshments and drank sweet tea and listened to really loud music with slow ghetto disco lights on and danced the night away...

this morning i "had" to play piano for church. steve and billie are gone so i was filling in. now i put had in quotes because i don't usually look at it as a chore. i'm happy to help out. it's just this time i was under a little stress, cuz i didn't even hardly work on the hymns until this morning briefly before leaving. and then actually played them for the service with less that 15 minutes of work on each probably. but it was ok. i had thomas to comfort me, by looking at me askance afterward and commenting that i seemed to be having a bit of trouble. :-P

oh! i think i forgot to mention canny's graduation. though i believe evan has. or will. they came down from indiana, and while they were here had the graduation at the baptist church in alto. the speeches were indeed wonderful. ahhh, such a talented family. after ward we got high as kites on helium balloons (in voice if not from the effects on the brain). then we went bowling. it was all very fun. now my right bicept (gosh, i just had to think really hard about how to spell that. hope i got it right) is a bit stiff and sore. haven't been bowling in a while...hmmmm.

ok, that's quite enough for now.

unfledged \uhn-FLEJD\, adjective:
1. Lacking the feathers necessary for flight.
2. Not fully developed; immature.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Sure was good to see all you guys.

Why the soreness? I thought ping pong and bowling use exactly the same muscles!

7:33 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

haha, except for the fact that one weighs about 10 ounces, and the other weighs 16 lbs. but yeah, other than that they're about the same muscles. :-P

2:18 PM  

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