Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bulging Mega-Pipes

i would soooo never want to be a truck driver. alright alright alright (some of you will get that) perhaps i should never say never... but i saw the craziest thing. a trucker was going across north street on the intersection caty-corner to wal-mart. he had a flat bed trailer with some awesomely gargantu-whine pipe. now folks, we're not talking about your typical culvert of drainage pipe. this thing was up there with the clouds. and it was still laying on one corner [sic, cuz i didn't want to say side twice. even though i am now]. on the side of this pipe there was another knob, or a place to attach another huge pipe sticking off to the side (three times). it was turned in such a way that this knob was sticking straight up into the air. when he started to go across he obviously got real concerned about the traffic lights (with good reason). so he pulled way over to the left, across both lanes of on-coming traffic. fortunately no one was coming that way at the moment. when he got the whole truck and trailer around the end of the long light pole then he pulled back and got himself straightened out. i wonder if he did that at every light he came to. hmmmmmm. don't i have anything better to write about you ask? good question. the answer is simple. NO.

i have officially decided my email must not work. well, what do you expect me to think if it's completely empty?!? okay, i'll leave off.

played ultimate this evening. for those of you who don't know yet, ultimate totally rocks. come and join us if you want to a) have fun, b) get in shape, c) in the grass, d) oh yeah, be way cool cuz you have sweet frizbee-throwing skills. y'all, the only equipment you'll ever have to invest in for this sport (if you get serious) is a pair of cleats. 20 bucks! for crying out loud, $20 for the funnest time of your life! *wASOaf;ilweljk* (that was me getting my hands slapped for typing ridiculousness.)

i completely rearranged the dormer in my room today. i took the one snake cage out and cleaned everything. then i turned the desk to the side and put all the printer and tower and stuff there instead of having parts of it under the desk impeding on foot space. and now there's room on the desk for all the speakers to sit properly, with no excess wires in the way, and the mouse can move freely. tidied up the closet and fit two boxes that were stacked on the floor in there and put the snake cage in there place. i would say i'm tickled pink, but really i'm just happy to not be kicking the printer anymore.

i got a bit of a hair trim this morning. been developing into quite the scraggly eye sore of late.

oh, and i did some piano practice and had my piano lesson this afternoon.

hopefully got some work coming up next week. but it's been nice to have a week to practice.

apparently there's a not-to-be-missed garage sale going on tomorrow which i must be prepared to serve in. to bed, to bed.... oh, sorry i forgot the word of the day last time.

animadversion \an-uh-mad-VUHR-zhuhn\, noun:1. Harsh criticism or disapproval.2. Remarks by way of criticism and usually of censure -- often used with 'on'.


Blogger Suzanne said...

Yeah, I've seen some pretty interesting things happen on North St., but the best one yet happened in Alto. A trucker was trying to avoid running over a cat in the middle of town and ran smack through the Townhouse Cafe window. Good thing it happened in the early morning hours. And yes, the cat was okay.

1:48 PM  
Blogger Feanor said...

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6:03 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

that's freakin' awesome. i would have definitely squished the cat.

6:06 PM  

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