Sunday, June 26, 2005

Of All the Ironies...

well, it's that time of year again. time for kids to be going to summer camp (not that that hasn't been going on for some time now). and also the time of year for boys scouts to be going to camp. so today papa went driving off to a week with the guys at el rancho cima, and evan and i are still at home! isn't that crazy? i'm at home working (cuz i'm already pretty much through with scouts, except for possible leadership positions in the future) and evan is saving his money for a trip to mexico. i'm pretty sure this is the first time this has ever happened at our house. certainly the first year since i was eleven that i have gone a year without any summer camps.

just us four older children went to church this morning (since papa is at summer camp and mom stayed home with the little tykes because owen ain't feelin' so swell). very good and encouraging words.

had a tasty lunch of shepherd's pie and watermelon. and ice cream. then i pretty much checked email and stuff and took a nap. quite an exciting afternoon. just about the time i decided i was going to get up so we could go to church again, mom announced that we wouldn't be going, and that we were going to the track. suddenly decided to whip us all into shape. so i lugged my sloshing gut full of dinner out there... and spent quite some time stretching. i guess cuz i was postponing the inevitable moment that i would have to begin "work." and man did i feel it. now i know i've been playing ultimate and stuff (which has been quite tiring) but that doesn't quite compare to just running and running and running on the track, which i haven't done on a consistent day to day basis since last year. i only ran 1.5 miles before a short rest. got the first mile done in 6:37. then i stretched out a little more and ran one more mile. that one i got down to 6:30. *sigh* i have much work to do in the time and distance categories. not to mention limberness exercises. i should make some goals for myself in regard to improving my physical condition before the beginning of the fall semester.

does anyone have the slightest idea when blogger will start updating the profiles again?? right now my profile says that i have only written 19 posts totaling 7547 words. the last post being feb. 10. now i know perfectly well that isn't correct. it's kind of annoying i guess. i am slightly curious about some of the outdated info, that curiosity most likely being exacerbated by the fact that i can't find out. grrr...

i couldn't resist this word of the day because of the example sentence. *grins*

amative \AM-uh-tiv\, adjective:Pertaining to or disposed to love, especially sexual love; full of love; amorous.
Theoretically, any given left-kisser should meet more right-kissers and, over an amative lifetime, or even good year in junior high, be subtly pressured to shift to the right in order to land a wet one -- or just avoid a broken nose. No? --Donald G. McNeil, Jr., "Pucker Up, Sweetie, and Tilt Right,"
New York Times, February 13, 2003


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