Friday, June 24, 2005

i just opened up this page and sat for several minutes.

and now i will tell you everything that is in my mind to tell you.

so now that we've got that out of the way, here's your word of the day. okay, just kidding. i did have a day today, but nothing especially new happened. i did get to run the plotter by myself. i've learned enough now that i can actually make use of myself when no one else is there. besides sweeping of course. i can always do that. and roll up cords and wires. in fact, it's a good thing that i rolled up a bunch of tangled wires yesterday. i had been wondering if i ought to just leave since i didn't have much in the way of sign making to do (actually absolutely nothing) and i was just cleaning up. then i saw all these spools that were coming apart and were in a mountain of confusion and twisted wire and knots just hanging there. so i proceeded to get it all fixed and rolled up neatly (you know how i am about puzzles an stuff). then today, dale came rushing in from the truck, which he left idling in the drive, and grabbed that very spool off the rack and ran back to the truck and tore off. i was like, wow... he really needed that bad. i wonder what in the world he would have done if he'd gone over there and seen that giant tangld mess that was there yesterday. wadded it up and put it in the bed of the truck to rush it off to whoever needed it so urgently? haha, i had an almost smug feeling of satisfaction. but yeah, work is going fine. speaking of which, i'm going back tomorrow and working in the morning. maybe learn how to weld or something. oh, besides getting a paycheck, there's one other exciting thing from work. once, my nose started itching and i went running to the paper towels and i sneezed about 9 times before i could even get across the shop. i wonder if i'm having an allergic reaction to something.

tonight, ("tonight, tonight... ooooooooooooooooh tonight") we watched mission impossible two. again. all the bad guys died. again. haha, i love that movie! seriously!

scoffing - (skoff-ing) edifying criticism directed at an intolerable individual, possessd of inconsequencial and absurd opinions and behavior.


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