Sunday, July 03, 2005

Wedding Bells For Real

...but not for me of course (friday, may 13th of my archives if you don't understand). yesterday was the grand ceremony and celebration of hannah's wedding. she was looking more georgous than ever (if that's possible) and dusty was tall and handsome as usual. both were grinning from ear to ear of course. there was an impressive array of bridesmaids and groomsmen, 7 or 9 or something. jesse and three other fellows did the musical honors, their little quartet sawing away beautifully both for background music and anywhere needed during the ceremony. it reminded me how much i miss getting to hear that kind of music. when i'm at school never a week goes by without listening to some sort of recital or concert, string quartets, piano, orchestras, etc. so i really enjoyed it last night. after the ceremony there was a fine reception in the grand ball room. they had a jazz band playing, with dr houston conducting. there was a sumptuous line of tables around the room amply supplied with tasty food and punch. and a chocolate fountain. a chocolate fountain. ahhhh. once the eating died down there was much dancing to the music coming from the tom houston stage. jeanne introduced me to swing dancing. she said i got about 3 or 4 lessons in 5 minutes. it was pretty fun. i'll have to learn a little more, and just practice a lot to get the feel of it. i had the hardest time at first just doing the basic step and not slipping into a waltz or whatever. when all was finished, hannah and dusty had fed eachother cake, and sipped their champaigne with linked elbows, then we pelted them with "rice" as they ran down the front of the uc, and they sped off in a limousine. the limousine was tooting "here comes the bride" on it's horn. congratulations hannah and dusty!

now, as for what other stuff i did this weekend. on friday i did in fact go camping with parker, as well as 5 other young scouts. we went out to lake rozell friday night, spent the night, and then worked on first class requirements sat morning. i'm quite thankful that cody was able to do some work with parker on several of the requirements earlier in the week, besides the ones that i worked on with him. since so many extra boys came it took a lot longer to get everyone through each thing. we did lashing, knot tying, cooking, rescue carries, etc. good ol' boyscout skills.

tomorrow i believe we're going to the jones' (ron and jerri, to clarify from the masses) giant fourth of july bash. should be fun. anywhere there's good food, i'll be there. horse shoes starts at eleven!

caesura \sih-ZHUR-uh; -ZUR-\, noun;plural caesuras or caesurae \sih-ZHUR-ee; -ZUR-ee\:1. A break or pause in a line of verse, usually occurring in the middle of a line, and indicated in scanning by a double vertical line; for example, "The proper study of mankind is man" [Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man].2. Any break, pause, or interruption.


Blogger Luddie said...

Yeah, dancing that one time with you guys in Tyler was fun. Wish I could do it more frequently.

6:37 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

sorry karen, i'm going to proclaim my ignorance to the world and confess that i don't know the difference between east coast and west coast.

that was fun in tyler... we should do it again some day. a little different style though. :-P

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love the tradition of throwing things at newly married people. we should start a trend of shooting them with paintball or air soft guns. ha! NOW you're married!

10:24 PM  
Blogger quirky said...

i think that's an excellent proposition

5:23 PM  

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