Tuesday, July 12, 2005


that is all, really. just work work work on making signs. the last couple of days i've finally been trying to get back into my piano practice routine. this evening i got in a good couple of hours, but it didn't feel very productive, and i didn't notice any vast improvment over last time. but that's to be expected since i really haven't done anything in the last two weeks or so. bleh. it's looking like this summer i may not get as big a jump start on the fall semester as i was hoping.

clay made me laugh today... when he and roger came back to the shop at about 5:15, or 5:30 i was still in there working on some lettering. he was like, "boy! you still in here workin'?!?" i kinda smiled and nodded, since my presence was pretty self-explanatory. "your girl friend must want a big fat diamond ring! or maybe she just eats a lot! harharhar!!!" i tell ya what, with that he had me rolling too. i had visions of me slaving away till all hours in the sign shop and then going in my grungy work clothes to persperate over the glass of a jewelry counter, looking for a fat diamond ring. then smiling wanly as "she" ate a hamburger at my expense. and then going back to work! haha! aaaaanyway.

stertorous \STUR-tuh-ruhs\, adjective:Characterized by a heavy snoring or gasping sound; hoarsely breathing. As pianist Dezso Ranki pounds and weaves at the keys, his breathing is at times so stertorous one could swear that someone in the audience is snoring. --Josie Glausiusz, "Joining Hands," Discover, July 2000


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