Monday, February 13, 2006

Happy Birthday Evan!

today we celebrate the birth and subsequent growth and aging of what has now become the lanky red-haired giant, formerly my "little" brother. some of his recent misfortunes will hopefully not continue down the family tree, but will perhaps go down in infamy. he is the first of the yerkes children to break a bone. but even better than that, he broke two, his wrist at the end of last year, and now one of his fingers. tsk tsk tsk... i'm just glad it isn't me. he's also the tallest of the yerkes, and not just the immediate family. i don't know of any other yerkes that are 6'4". he's doing well in the foot department at size 13, but i think that leaves him in 3rd place. :-D but seriously, nooooobody has his hair which, by the way, adds yet another couple of inches to his height. now that i've lauded his physical accomplishments, i shall... end this post and complete a theoretical analysis document. mhmm.

palliate \PAL-ee-ayt\, transitive verb:1. To reduce in violence (said of diseases, etc.); to lessen or abate.2. To cover by excuses and apologies; to extenuate.3. To reduce in severity; to make less intense.


Blogger Bree said...

Just thought I'd wish you happiness for no particular reason on this very ordinary and insignificant day.

I know! I always feel so incredibly short whenever I'm around him. (not like I usually feel tall or anything)

He has reddish hair? I hadn't noticed. Perhaps because he's always wearing that fedora o' his.

As for hair adding height, just look at his pic in the 2005 yearbook. *snicker snicker*

Whoa yeah, I know all about hair making you taller. I'm always at my tallest after I wake up...POOF!

Would you care for some long bottum leaf?

9:02 AM  
Blogger quirky said...

i would be more than delighted for a puff of that wonderful herb. and where exactly do plan on obtaining it? traveling to the southfarthing region some time soon?

1:33 PM  

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